Thursday, March 29, 2018

Gun control?? BS!

so after that stupid shooting in Florida, the Jews have really been pushing this whole gun control thing. Except this time they are using crisis actors and clueless children to do their dirty Jew-work for them.

This David Hogg guy looks like a typical soy boy cuck faggot. I am serious, Bessie my basset hound could kick his ass. The 2 Amendment is there to protect us from tyranny, but as usual the kikes HATE that and will try to disarm patriotic white christian Americans. Thank God Donald Trump will never let them!

This gun control thing even effected ME personally!

Bekah as over and she was lying leaned back into me on my bed as we watched a movie on NetFlix (which I am cancelling now btw because that bitch Susan rice is on the board) I had my arms around here and was just enjoying being with her when she says:

"I am glad we can watch movies and not have to see the news, its been terrible recently"

and I was all :
"Yeah with all those retarded kids trying to take away our right to bear arms and stuff. a bunch of communists."

So Bekah replies:
"But Steffi, we need gun control. Too many school shootings and people having access to military grade weapons. Guns kill so many people."

Excuse me? WHAT THE FUCK!

So immediately I slap a choke hold on her. Its like a version of the Cobra Clutch. My arms goes around her neck and my other arm locks it in and I squeeze with all my strength. Immediately she yells out and her eyes bug and she is all "ACK WHAT THE FUCK STEFFI" and she is clawing at my arms trying to break the hold and I just squeeze tighter and I yell at her

"Gun control is communism! Our rights come from GOD and no one can take them away Bekah what the fuck is your problem!"

She cant talk and she is gasping for air and her face is turning red. She tries to stand but I pull her back down and wrap my legs around her and really lock the hold in. I can see her eyes bug out and I swear she is starting to foam at the mouth. She is all waving her arms around and she starts pounding the bed like she is tapping out and I am yelling:

"Do not ever say shit like that again Bekah! Communists go to hell!"

So I can feel her going limp and I dont want to kill her, just teach her a lesson so I let her go and she immediately starts gasping for air and she is all crying like a little bitch.  So I say to her"

"Bekah you really need to get with the program. Our rights come from the Almighty himself and those retards from that school, who are crisis actors BTW, will not take them away."

After a while she regains her composure and she gets up like she is leaving and I am all:
"Where the fuck do you think you are going?"

and she is all quiet and she says "Home"

and I am all "No you aren't, get back over here."

she bows her head and sits next to me and quietly says "You abuse me"

OMFG what a drama queen

and I am all "Uh no i don't, I just react to some of the improper things you say. Things that are sinful or anti-american. You need to learn to stop that stuff. I love you, I want to be with you forever, I dont want to be in heaven while you burn in hell for your views and opinions."

she just sits there so I go to her and hold her and stroke her hair. After a while she says quietly "I am pathetic." and she lays back down in my arms.

so I tell her :you are not pathetic, I love you. You are my girlfriend. I am going to marry you one day."

and she looks up at me with tears and says "youve never called me your girlfriend before."

and I say to her "Well maybe ive come to the realization that is the proper term for what we have.'

I lean in and kiss her and we kiss lovingly and passionately for a long time.

We end up naked and eating each other out for a long time. Just like it should be.

Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

random stuff

Not much going on. Its snowing like crazy here, I thought winter was over! Boooo!

I wanted to build a snowman but its way too cold and windy. Why can't it be a nice calm snow like I see at Christmas on the Hallmark Channel? I don't have time for no blizzard!

Thank God our pool is indoors so I can still go swimming or sit in the hot tub. Its kind of peaceful to be floating in our pool while looking outside at the howling wind and snow. Bessie hates the snow because her ears are too long and they get all cold. Plus she is low to the ground so its hard for her to get around in it. Poor basset hound :(  She runs outside, does her business, then runs back in and I have to dry her off so she doesn't bring wet dog smell into the house. I usually dry her off in the pool area then she will hang out by the gas fireplace and sleep before I will let her back into the house.

The pool area (or porch, I don't know what the proper term is) is all insulated from the cold so we can swim all year round. The pool is here, plus the hot tub and the gas fireplace and a few couches and chairs and a table and a 55 inch TV. I like being out here because I can look at the snow but still be warm and cozy.

Bekah used that strap on thing that shoots fake cum on me again. She asked if we could use it again and I said sure, it was kinda hot last time. So she put it on and made me suck it like i was giving her a blowjob. I sucked on it for  along time as she ran her fingers through my hair. Then she got on top of me and pushed it deep in me and started fucking me with it. She plowed me for a long ass time, like over an hour. I must have cum 4 times. Finally she pushed the button on it as she was cumming and it shoot loads of that fake cum deep inside me. It was warm and felt so hot. It was really intimate. Afterwards we lay wrapped around each other as the fake cum leaked out of me and we kissed.

Anyway, thats all for now. Thanks for reading!

Thursday, March 1, 2018


Well our dumbass teachers are still on strike. I dunno why they feel the need to strike, they have JOBS wtf is their problem!?!?!?

Typical liberal bullshit. All it is doing is disrupting OUR education! They should all be fired and then shot or put into work camps.

The good thing about this is I get to spend ALL my time with Bekah. We have gone out to dinner, to the movies, and enjoyed our time together.

So a few days ago she says this to me:

"Hey Steff, lets go to a party. There will be music and dancing and stuff."

"Oh? Whose party"?

"A girls I know from (REDACTED) is having a house party and she invited me and whoever I want to bring"

So I am curious so i say to her:
"What sort of party is this?"

And Bekah says "Its just a house party. Just people around our age hanging out, listening to music, dancing, they have a big backyard and will have lights set up and everything. You don't have to drink, and these people dont do drugs."

So I say to her:
"Ok well, what sort of people will be there?"

And she gets quiet and says:
"Well.....people like us."

"You mean teenagers?"

"Yeah but more than that. People who believe in the things we believe in."

"You mean Orthodox Christianity and Nationalism?"

"NO Steff. I mean people who.....people who feel like we do....about each other."

So I say:
" this a LESBIAN party?"

And she looks at the ground and sort of shuffles her feet.

"Well, They are MOSTLY lesbians but there are a few straight girls and bisexuals too"

WHAM I clobbered Bekah with a clothesline. She dropped like a sack of rocks and hit the floor. I jumped on her back and slapped the camel clutch on her while she cried. I yelled:


she was crying her eyes out sobbing in pain and was all "AAARRGGHH you are breaking my back Im sorry I just thought it would be a nice night out PLEASE STOP YOU ARE BREAKING MY SPINE"

I just pulled back on the camel clutch harder as she slapped her hands on the floor like she was tapping out. I yelled

"I told you we are NOT lesbians!! WHY MUST YOU MAKE WHAT WE HAVE SINFUL!"

I released the camel clutch and stood over her. I flipped her over on her stomach she she cried and spasmd on the floor. I got on top of my bed and dropped the elbow across her chest WHAM!!!!

She started convulsing like she was being electrocuted. It was kinda funny to be honest.

I got on top of her and grabbed her by the head and said "You will never ever ever see me again if you bring this lesbian shit up one more time. You got it?"

and she was all crying her eyes out and she says "Im sorry im so sorry i wont i swear please dont leave me i love you"

So I lay down next to her and held her tight as she cried in my arms for an hour. i stroked her hair and kissed her head and told her over and over again I loved her and I wont leave her as long as she behaves and stays away from sinful things like lesbians.

she kept saying over and over "please dont leave me" and i told her i would not. I held her till she stopped crying and i kissed her and i said
"Look Bekah, if you want to go to this party we can, but if ANYONE asks if I am a sinful lesbian I am going to say no. I get the feeling you want to go to this so I am willing ok?"

So she smiles and nods her head and I kiss her and hold her tight.

Well we went to this party and I have to admit it wasn't bad. They had awesome music, and a lot of non alcoholic stuff to drink....they did have alcohol but i didnt see anyone too drunk. i DID notice a lot of the lezbos were checking me out and I could tell Bekah was a combination of jealous and proud. I hung all over her all night to indicate she was MINE and she was hands off!

we danced and we talked to a lot of people. I met some of her "friends". I kept asking her if she lezbo fucked any of them and she said no but she did make out with a few..GRRRRRRR!!!

anyway we had a good time, and it made her happy. She just needs to understand what we have is NOT lesbiansism but rather, LOVE.

thanks for reading!