Sunday, July 22, 2018

vrooom vrooom Rocket League

I am SO into Rocket League! It is so much fun, a lot better than World of Warships, which has become a haven for liberal furries and SJW bullshit.

Rocket League is basically soccer but with cars and it is so much fucking fun omfg.

Bekah had been playing for a while and so I got into it and now we play together and sometimes with her cousin Brian online. It is a fast moving game and its a lot of un even though all 3 of us suck at it lol. It is still fun and doesnt have the toxic hateful culture that World of Warships does like pedophile stalker Chobitsu or fat SJW April Roberts aka Little White Mouse or fascist forum admin Niko Power (who is a Jew)

I am a Semi_Pro now according to the ranking system. But honestly, I dont care about that. Its a lot of fun, especially so since I can play with Bekah. I found a very sexy car called the Triton and I use that and I have it all decked out to be uber cute like me! Yay!!!!

Bekah uses some sort of truck called the Road Hog XL and her cousin uses the Batmobile. lol

Between that and work and camping and spending time with Bekah it has been a great summer so far.

Thanks for reading!
