Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Immoral disgusting Bronies

Good morning!

After my morning workout and shower I was eating breakfast flipping through TV when I zipped past that show "My little pony". My dad laughed and said "That is the show those fat older guys watch". And I was all, "huh? I watched this when I was like 5!" and he said "Steff there is a whole culture of grown men who watch this show and they are usually fat, slovenly, and dumb as a brick."

So of course, I hop on the interwebz and...OMFG...WTF!!!!

Seriously...WHAT IN THE ACTUAL HELL IS THIS!?!?!?!? How can you honestly look yourself in the mirror and say "I look like a normal, well adjusted human being who brings worth to society".

And how, as a parent, can you let your child grow into something like this!?!?!?

I mean, first off this guy is hugely fat and probably has a long list of fat-related health issues. Second, his hair is unwashed, greasy, and unkempt. Third, WTF kind of beard is that!??!?! I think his hair follicles are having a hard time pushing their way through all that neck fat.

He also looks poor but, whatever, I have seen poor people who at least keep themselves clean and classy looking (well, as classy as you can get with clothes from Goodwill anyway).

Newsflash: My Little Pony is for KIDS, YOUNG KIDS!!! Not fat unwashed man-children. WTF! We all know eventually the American taxpayer is going to be paying for this guy's mental health treatments or heart related issues. Which means eventually I and everyone my age will be paying to keep these Bronies alive!!

I can understand being an anime freak, I like anime even if I don't feel the need to flaunt it or have pictures of it all over my room or have it as my WOWS avatar.

Furries are weird but at least they are creative in their cosplay and whatnot.


Just so horrible, literally a waste of humanity.

Thanks for reading!

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