Friday, July 14, 2017

As the day ends...

Well I hit ranked 12, my highest ever rank on World of Warships. I am scared now to try and go higher, since from this point on losing means losing a rank. I have like 20 days left so I may get over my nervousness.

I was at the car wash today for a few hours. I had on my denim cut offs and a red half shirt top. It was sort of slow and so as we were sitting around one of the other girls started talking about how her BF likes when she sends him pics of herself in her underwear. I asked her:

"Aren't you afraid he is showing his friends? Don't you worry he may put them on the Internet?"

and she was all "Oh no, he would never do that he is a good guy".

So I said: "If he is such a good guy, WHY is he making you send him nearly nude pics?"

So she sort of sat there for a moment, like a light was going off in her head, and she said:

"You know Steff, you're kinda right. I just didn't think of it that way before."

Well no shit, you were too googly eyed at some punk ass playa who is jacking off to your nudes while probably showing all his friends! Why would ANYONE send someone their nudes or near nudes? What the hell is wrong with people? You shouldn't be taking your clothes off for ANYONE until your wedding night...DUH.

The only person who sees me in my underwear is dad, and he is my dad so that doesn't count anyway (plus at home I am always just in my underwear so he is used to it by now). And the ONLY way ANYONE is going to see me in ANY state of undress is my wedding night (if I even get married, which I doubt because the idea of physical contact of a sexual nature is repulsive to me). Stop sending inappropriate pics of yourselves!!!

Anyway, here is a cat watching a horror movie:

Thanks for reading!

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