Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Happy Tuesday

It is Tuesday and another cute positive day in the great life of me, Steffi. Just showered off after fencing training and yoga and am ready to go to the car wash for a few hours. Our trip to Vancouver is coming up in 2 weeks, so I want to make sure I have my own earned spending money for it! I get an allowance from dad of $100 a week, but sometimes it isn't enough. At first I was hesitant on the whole "get a job so you have a sense of responsibility" thing, but as usual, dad was right. The fact that I now have extra money that I EARNED as opposed to having it handed to me, makes me feel even better about myself.

That is why I do not understand all those people who live on government handouts and who refuse to get a job or an education. They seem content to just coast and let hard working tax payers like dad foot the bill for their existence! And they all keep popping out babies, which gets them even MORE money from the government! Honestly, there should be NO public assistance from the government. That should be up to charities, religious organizations, and private individuals, NOT the government. If you refuse to work and you keep making babies then you should starve, sorry it is just reality.

I think I will wear my green denim cut offs today and a pale yellow sleeveless shirt to go with it. I think that is a cute combination. I asked my dad about that whole "upskirt" thing and he confirmed it is a pretty widespread issue online, with women not knowing them are being filmed. He said whoever is caught filming women like that should be publicly tortured and executed, and I agree. I do not understand the sick perversions of some people. I mean, yeah I have desires and curiosity about things sexually, it is natural, but good lord some people take it to the extreme.

I do not know what I will do after the car wash. I may sit in the sauna for a while. Dad has friends coming over to watch baseball which means I either have to be fully clothed OR I am banished to the upstairs of the house....BOOO!!

Thanks for reading!

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