Sunday, July 23, 2017

Sunday Funday

So today so far has been a very good day. We had a Church picnic where there were HORSES!!! I love horses. I didn't ride one because dad is afraid I will end up like that guy who played Superman, but I got to feed one and stuff so it was great. I trust dad's judgement, I don't want to get injured and end up handicapped and be a burden to society, I would rather be dead.

Tonight we are going to see Dunkirk. I am hoping once again to use my puppy dog eyes and get dad to take me to Outback for dinner. Dad says he feels sorry for whoever I marry because of my habit of using my puppy dog eyes to get what i ant. I told him I don't plan on getting married so it won't be an issue.

It JUST started raining AGAIN! I am sick of all this rain. Plus I got my period so I can't wear my really short miniskirt that I wanted to wear tonight.  Booo! Now I have to wear jeans....this sucks......BOOOO!!!!!

That is all for now. I will write more later.

Thanks for reading!

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