Friday, August 18, 2017

Porn is immoral and should be banned.

Porn is immoral. Sexual activity should be done in private and not out in the open where everyone can watch! That is gross!

The porn industry is 100% owned and run by (((them))). These bloodsuckers push degeneracy on society and do their best to corrupt the minds of people.

I know that as a very attractive young white blonde christian girl, these perverts would LOVE to abduct me and make me do porn, probably "blacked" porn where white girls are forced to have sex with black guys. This is unnatural and against God! Every porn producer and actor/actress should be thrown in a work camp for the rest of their lives. better yet, just shoot them!

Viewing porn has been shown to degrade testosterone in men and turn women into lesbians.

All porn should be illegal. Even nude scenes in Hollywood films need to be banned unless they are for historical reasons and not just an excuse to watch your favorite actor/actress NUDE and committing adultery!

Keep your damn clothes on till your wedding night!

Thanks for reading!

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