Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Stuff from today

It's late but I can't sleep so I am writing this blog entry.
School is going good. I can't stand my calculus teacher but other than that, everything is ok. Everyone is sorta settling into their routine for the year. Cheer Squad is going good and fencing is going perfectly for me. My instructors have told me they see vast improvement over my form from last year. I know it's a long shot, but I wanted to try for the Olympics. Even though it's really tough, just the experience of trying would be fantastic. There is no real "Pro" fencing thing out there, so the Olympics really is as far as any of us could go. It's ok though, I have been hooked on it since I was 7.

So today I was waiting outside for dad to pick me up after school and that girl, the lesbian from 12th grade, came outside AGAIN. I noticed she was not in the showers today when I was, so I guess she gave up finally. Well she approached me and asked if we could talk and I was all "fine, what do you want? The conversation went like this:

Her: Steff, I am sorry. I guess I did everything wrong. Yeah, I admit I find you attractive, I guess its not really a secret around here that I prefer girls.

Me: Actually no one has ever said anything. And I hear every bit of gossip in this school, no one has any idea if that's any comfort to you.

Her: Oh. Well that is news to me, I thought everyone just sorta knew. I am glad though, even my parents don't know.

Me: Well I won't tell anyone, it's none of my concern what you like.

Her: I am sorry if showering at the same time as you makes you uncomfortable. I won't do it anymore.

Me: I actually don't mind, and you can look all you want, just understand I don't swing that way ok?

She smiled and said ok. dad pulled up and I got in the car and left. She gave me a small wave goodbye and I waved back and she smiled.

See? people think i am a total BITCH but I am not, I let her down easy, I am keeping her secret, and I waved back. That's as nice as I get. And I was honest, I do not mind her showering next to me and seeing me naked. I am comfortable in my own sexuality not to be freaked out by someone else's. That is called TOLERANCE.

Anyway, that is it for tonight!
Thanks for reading!

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