Tuesday, September 5, 2017

I got a brony arrested!!!!

I managed to save a child from abuse AND get a brony couple arrested!

I will explain:

First off, as well ALL know, bronies are pedophiles and perverts. It is a FACT that they ALL molest children. No one disputes this.

So I was at the mall with dad and I am waiting in the food court with him and I see these two fat bronies with their kids. The man was about 30 something and FAT with a pony tail and greasy skin and a damn "I Luv MLP" shirt on with some sort of faggy looking pony on it. The wife was equally fat and had blue and red hair and a shirt that said "Proud pony mama". BARF!!!

So I noticed they had 2 kids (I don't know how fat women give birth, I mean how does the baby get through all that fat?). And these two kids looked kinda zoned out like they were retards or something.

Anyway, it is disgusting that these parents were infecting their children with their brony-cancer. so I did what any self respecting human would do: I CALLED THE COPS!!!

So I call the police and I say:

Hi! I am in (REDACTED) Mall and I am at the food court and there are these two overweight people, a man and a woman, in My Little Pony shirts, and they are abusing their kids..and I saw the father rub his hands under the tables in front of PO WOK's (the Chinese take out place) all over his daughters crotch. And, I was in the ladies room and the mother came in with one of the kids and was taking pictures of her child defecating in the stall.

Now, with the recent incident regarding the fat pedophile taking upskirt pics still fresh on their minds, the local police ain't taking any chances. 5 minutes later around 6 cops come into the food court looking pissed off. They see the brony family eating lunch and approach them.

Well Papa brony immediately gets up and starts waving his arms around over his head all angry. I can hear him yelling something about 'probable cause' and other legal bullshit. The mother is all 'why aren't you all out shooting black people for no reason you fascist scum?!'

The one cop demands to see the mother's phone and she ain't having none of that. The husband then yells 'you stay away from my Fluttershy' and shoves the cop.

Well the tasers come out and it's ON!!!! They taze this fat fuck and beat his ass down and it is glorious. The kids are crying, the mother jumps on one of the cops and SHE gets tazed for her stupidity!! Meanwhile I am recording the whole thing to post on my You Tube later. I bet I get like 5 million hits! I'm going to make mad bank!

So the moral of the story is: Bronies are always guilty of something, usually pedophilia, so just call the cops on em regardless.

Thanks for reading!

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