Tuesday, October 10, 2017

various happenings

A few various things:

WVU lost AGAIN...OMG seriously?

The whole Harvey Weinstein thing proves once AGAIN that the Jewish cabal that runs Hollywood will protect and cover for one of their own at all costs.

Steak is best rare. Anything more than rare means BURNT to me!

Fat people who complain "I can't find a job because I am too fat" need to go on a fucking diet and then maybe they will find a job!!!

Furries and Bronies should be genocided, no exceptions.

So I was at school today and bored out of my mind, SO I went to the bathroom and texted Rebekah "meet me in here" and she texted back all "omg I am in the middle of class!" Well when I tell her to do something she needs to learn to JUMP up and do it. So I stick my caerma under my miniskirt and take an upskirt pic of my thong and send it to her with the text "come and get it"

Well 30 seconds later she is in the bathroom and is all "omg what the hell!" and I am all "Well it got you here" and she was all "you are crazy".

So I grab her and throw her into a stall and close the door and lock it and she is "what the hell are you doing?" so I start kissing her and she is all "Steff stop" and I am having none of that and I am all "I want to see your pussy" as I try unzipping her jeans and she is all fighting me saying "omg we are in school" so I kiss her again deep and tell her "right here, right now, I am ready for it." and she is all "wait...ready for what?" and I reply "eat me, here, now." and she gets this look on her face and is all "Steff, we are in a bathroom stall at school I didn't picture it happening like this."

So i open the door and walk out and say evily "Ok well the mood has passed anyway" and she is all wide eyed and laughs "omg you fucking tease!" and I am all "Yup, but I love you!" and she shakes her head and says "I love you too....tease!"

And that was my day!
Thanks for reading!

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