Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Ok I have to explain

So apparently a lot of you readers send comments to me saying I am a lesbian. So i want to set the record straight.


Lesbians are sinful and will burn in hell. I fell in love with Bekah, who happens to be another girl.
However, I do NOT desire any other girl (or guy for that matter).
I fell in love with Bekah DESPITE her being female NOT because of it.

See, all lezbos have mental issues, which is why most of them commit suicide. And the more you lezbo out, the more you start looking like a man (they are called butch).

I had NO intentions of being with a girl, or anyone else for that matter. I was happy to be alone and single and chaste and pure like God commands. However, God also commands us to find someone to love and he must have looked on me with favor for being such a righteous Orthodox Christian because he sent Bekah into my life.

Yes, Bekah is a girl. Yes, we have sex. Yes, she is my girlfriend. Yes, I AM going to marry her someday.

This does NOT make me a crazed sinful lezbo.

Now Bekah, was a crazed lezbo BUT since she has been with ME she has shed most (not all) or her sinful craven lesbian ways and is more normal. She still needs to make progress but she will get there.

So to clarify:

Steffi: NOT a lesbian

Thanks for reading!

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