Thursday, June 29, 2017

It is rough being cute in an ugly world

The world is full of ugliness. ugly people, ugly thoughts, ugly ideas, ugly activities. That is why it is difficult to be cute and morally upstanding in a world of filth.

I mean it, it is very hard when people around you are so ugly and degenerate and hateful and full of toxicity. I play games online, and as a female gamer I am always subject to the ugliest and crudest forms of harassment you can imagine. Gross neckbearded obese man-children love to taunt female gamers, especially ones that kick their ass in the games they love.

Now not ALL guys are like that, some of them are respectful and supportive and it is wonderful to see, but a lot of pimple faced basement dwelling Brony-types who hate women because they can't get a gf, especially one as cute as I am.

At this moment, a fat neckbearded guy from World of Warships is on some sort of one whale (because he is probably morbidly obese) crusade to run me off the game. He keeps reporting this blog to Google and harasses me on the World of Warships forums because of my age and gender. This female-hating tub of goo, named tcbaker777, is probably obsessed with me because I am underage and cute, which makes him a damn pedophile!

But looking past that for a moment, the media is filled with ugliness. Music is full of sexual imagery and immorality. Look at rap music, it is nothing but lyrics that demean women and brag about men and the size of their "manhood" and how many females they can have sex with. Rap isn't even music, it is some some of prehistoric African jungle crap that was probably used to describe getting eaten by a lion or something.

Movies and TV are filled with sex and vulgarity. I read online that 95% of all active actresses in Hollywood have done nude sex scenes. How do you think their parents feel looking at that, knowing millions of people saw their daughter nude and getting pounded onscreen? What happens when these actresses have kids and their kids see it?

But we ALL know who runs Hollywood and all of media anyway, so it's is no shock it is full of filth.

I try to be happy and to bring happiness to those around me by being as cute as I can and as cheerful as I can, but sometimes the sheer amount of ugliness in people makes it hard.

My burden is heavy, but I shall endure.

Thanks for reading!

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