Thursday, June 29, 2017

It sure storms a lot!

So again I happily showed up at the car wash looking all cute in my cut off shorts and sleeveless half shirt, ready to wash cars and make tips. And once again, it started storming bad only a few hours into it. I made $25 in tips, so that is good, but I could have made MORE if it didn't start storming like the end of days!

I got a lot of compliments on my outfit, people thought I looked HELLA CUTE (which I always do) and it is nice to hear positive reinforcement for REAL people as opposed to jealous, bitter toxicity from forum trolls and bullies like the fat neck beards at World of Warships.

So when it started storming I called dad and he came and got me and he said "hey Steff let's go to Outback" and I was all "OMG I LOVE YOU!" I LOVE Outback! I could eat a bloomin onion every day (except I won't because I would get fat like Mandy and I need to stay in shape for fencing and cheer squad).

So dad and I had a great father/daughter early dinner at Outback. I was so happy I jumped on his back and made him carry me piggyback into Outback.

So now I am home and dad is watching baseball or something and I am in my room in my underwear just surfing the interwebz and listening to some nice vocal trance. I had a nice day today, full of cuteness and positivity.

Even the storm is good because I love the sound of rain hitting the roof and the sound of thunder. When I was young I was scared of thunder and lightning and I would climb into bed with dad and snuggle up to him and he would tell me it was nothing to be scared of, and that we needed the rain for the plants and that thunder was the voice of God and lightning his divine power.

Thanks for reading!

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