Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Seriously, Yorkshire Terriers suck

Yorkshire Terriers are the worst fucking dog on Earth. I mean, are they really even dogs? They look like vicious little rats!!! They have this YAP YAP YAP bark that makes me want to plant my Doc Martens in their furry ass. They have hair, not fur, like real dogs do. HAIR! I mean, WTF kind of dog has HAIR? Hello, DOGS HAVE FUR NOT HAIR! So Yorkies are like violating one of the rules of being a dog.

And all they do is bite, and not a REAL bite like a Doberman, nope they bit with these vicious nips with these razor like little teeth, and they ALWAYS go for the ankles! WTF kind of dogs ONLY bites your ankles!??!?!?

Seriously, fuck Yorkshire Terriers. I mean look at this thing:

WTF THAT AIN'T NO DOG!!! How can you call this a dog? It looks like a slipper that someone glued eyes on!!!

And what is up with that retarded bow? That looks like something some white trash bitch would wear to Wal Mart.

I hate Yorkies.

Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. *high five* my friend has a Yorkie much like the one in the pic, that dog is a little shit. I am against animal cruelty but Iv'e much wanted to leave the front door open and maybe it will wander outside and get carried away by a hawk.
