Tuesday, June 27, 2017

What to do...

So its night here and it is still storming up a storm. I am in my underwear just laying on my bed writing this and listening to Digitally Imported. I don't feel like logging into WOWS and I am not in the mood to play Borderlands 2.

Dinner was great. Dad grilled some steaks and I managed to bake some potatoes without burning the house down. We saved the bones for the dog, she likes them a lot and it will keep her occupied for a few days.

Dad is writing some article for some financial magazine, I have no idea which one nor what it is about. He asked me a weird question tonight. He asked me "How come you never want to go out with your friends?"

I told him that I would rather spend time here at home with him and he said "You aren't always going to be able to spend all your time with me. Someday you have to start hanging out with people your own age."

I don't want to. Almost everyone I know is vulgar and immoral. The few people I am friendly with, well, they are great and all but I just don't want to do the things they like doing. I don't like the same music they do, I don't like the same movies they do, etc etc etc. I find it hard to relate to them on more than a few levels. I know what would happen if I started hanging out with people from school: I would get hit on constantly, the guys would call me a dick tease or something because I don't want any of them. There would be alcohol or drugs and sexual stuff, NONE of which I am interested in at all. So what is the point?

I don't understand why I can't just stay home with Dad, it makes ME happy, so why is it a bad thing?

Thanks for reading!

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