Saturday, September 23, 2017

Fall is here!

So Fall has started and it is already getting cooler where I live (I will not reveal where because my stalker, fat pedophile Chobittsu, would love that!). But trust me, its flannel shirts at night time already.

So we WON again today! Yay! I like to think its partly due to the awesome job cheer squad is doing (because we are! Duh), but honestly its probably because we have been playing scrub teams lately in High school Football. Next week we play the defending state champs and I gave a feeling we are going to get raped faster than a white girl in a black neighborhood.

So I was cheering today and dad was watching me like he always does. But I also see Bekah in the stands by herself and she sees me and smiles and I smile back and give her a wave. So after the game I  walk off the field and looks for her, I see her sitting in the stands and I walk up to her and she is all "hey!" and I just run up to her and grab her and hug her tights and she is all "whoah! hey! ha ha ha you miss me?" and I look her in the eyes and softly say "yes" and she looks at me and says "I missed you too."

SO I take her by the hand and lead her down the bleachers and go looking for dad. I keep holding her hand and I wont let it go. We find dad and I say "Hey! We won again!" and dad says "yeah that other team sucked, are they a special needs school?" and I am all "OMG stop it!" and we laugh. SO I am standing there holding Bekah's hand and dad says "How about us 3 go to Outback?" And I am all "OMFG REALLY!?!?! YES! BEKAH YES?" and Bekah laughs and says "Sure I can order a salad." and dad is all "a salad?" and I say "yes she is vegan or something but i will cure her of that too." and I squeeze her hand tight.

So Bekah says "I have to go home first, what time will we go?" and I say "Thats up to dad but I need to go home and shower and get dressed too." So dad says we can go to Outback at 5 and Bekah to come over so we can all go together. So I tell dad I will meet him at the car because I want to walk Bekah to hers.

So we walk to her car and we are still holding hands and we get to her car and she says "You seem rather happy today, it's nice." So i take a breath and I say "Bekah, I was serious yesterday when I said I didn't want anything to do with anyone else but you. I meant that. I want our bond to grow and get stronger, when I say we are BFFs I mean it, like literally forever." She gets this smile on her face and says "I meant what i said too, that I would do anything to keep you in my life, even if it means changing who I am or what i want. just to have you around."

So I throw myself at her and hold her tight and she hugs me. I whisper in her ear. "I wish we could be alone right now so i could give myself to you." "She whispers back "me too."

So we part and I drive home with dad and shower and change and Bekah shows up and we go to Outback and have a great time. As we are waiting on line ot get seated I take Bekah's hand and hold it and she smiles at me.

All is good in the world of Steffi

Thanks for reading!

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