Sunday, September 24, 2017

Mall day!

So I took Bekah to the mall today to go shopping. Well, she took me cause she drove. We parked and get out of the car and I took her hand and said "We are going to Nordstrom and Victoria's Secret" and Bekah is all "What? I can't afford that stuff" and I am all "OMG I am paying for it so hush" and she is all "Steff I cant have you do that it isn't right" and I roll my eyes and I am all "Bekah I have like a lot of spending money. Even after i buy myself stuff I have a lot leftover going to waste that I would just use to buy shit I dont need. NOW I can spend it on someone I care about and make them happy so just deal with it." And she laughs and says "Well ok but I will make it up to you."

So we walk into the mall and we are still holding hands she is says "You want to keep holding hands? I mean, I like it but are you ok with it in public?" And I roll my eyes AGAIN and I say "omg dont be a drama queen. I want to hold hands, plus I want any lezbos we see to know to stay the fuck away from you. I heard lezbos just know each other and I want to make sure they know you are off limits."

She laughs and says "yeah we have Lezdar, its lesbian radar".

so I take her first to Nordstrom and I find Alissa, my personal shopper and she is all "Hi Steffanie, what can I do for you today?" and I say "Alissa, this is Bekah and she is a lesbian and I want to buy her stuff that makes her looks less lesbian and more like a normal girl." Bekah facepalms and Alissa is all ", less lesbian you say?"

WTF is everyone deaf?

"Yeah just less tomboyish, you know, the jeans and flannel and baseball cap and more miniskirts and matching tops and stuff. I don't know, YOU are the fashion consultant!"

Alissa looks at Bekah and Bekah shrugs her shoulders and then Alissa is all "Well ok, lets go look at some stuff."

3 hours and 500 dollars later we are done and Bekah has the foundation of a great new feminine wardrobe. At first she was all hesitant but the more she tried stuff on, the more she smiled and it was like she transformed as she tried on her new clothes. She came out of the dressing room wearing this one piece very pale green outfit I picked out and she looked at herself in the mirror and she was just staring at her reflection. So i came up behind her and put my hands on her shoulders and rested my head on her and said "Well?" and she said softly "I've never looked at myself and thought "Wow" before until now. I mean, its like I am seeing myself for the first time as a woman." So I kiss her on the cheek and say "Now you see yourself like I see you." and she turns and looks at me and I can see tears in her eyes and she says "really?"

So I lean in and kiss her softly on the lips and say "Yes."

SO I just had my very first kiss EVER in the changing room at Nordstrom and it was with a girl. Who would have thought. I guess it's all downhill from here! (j/k)

So we go to Victoria's Secret and I am all "Ok Bekah you need thongs. That is what i wear, it is what women should wear. No more of the boys boxer short underwear ok?" And she says "Ok but what happens when I am on my period?" And I reply" They have thongs for that too, and just wear a pad with it." and she is all "I use tampons" and I say "Ok you USED to use tampons, NOW you use pads, like me. Ok?" And she says "Ok."

So she picks out like a bunch of thongs and I pick some out for her and an hour later we are done and walking through the mall with her haul. We stop to get sushi and chat and she is all thanking me and saying she will pay me back and I am not having ANY of that so I tell her NO and she can pay me back from trying to be a normal girl and not a sinful lezbo.

So then she says the following:

"You kissed me". And I say "yeah, and?" she she is all "I am just surprised, you said that was off limits.' And I reply "I never said it was off limits, it just had to happen under my terms and under MY conditions." and she looks at me and says "Are you going to kiss me again?" And I reply "Maybe, that is up to me. More than likely yes, if it feels right." And she says "What about other things?" And I say "If you mean eating me out or fingering me or me doing that to you, THAT is still off limits. For now."
And she gets this look on her face and says "For now?' And I say "Yeah a girl can change her mind can't she? And if it DOES happen, IF being the key word, it will be under MY terms, in MY time and MY conditions. And IF it happens it doesn't equate to being a lesbian."

I guess he knows better than to question me now because she says "Ok, I can understand that. But, what about your breasts?" And I say "What about them? Aren't they awesome!" And she laughs and says "Yes, they are awesome, I want to kiss and suck them but you didn't mention it as off limits so I am confused." And I grind and say "It isn't off limits, I am surprised you havent done that to me yet and to be honest I was beginning to think you didn't want to suck them"

She she laughs LOUD and says "You mean I could have been sucking your tits the whole time and I didn't?" And I laugh and say "Yup".

So we drive back to my house so she can drop me off. she thanks me for all of the clothes. I tell her I have one more thing for her. I reach into my bag and pull out a small box and tell her to open it. She opens it and sees what I bought her. It is a pure silver BFF ring with two stones in it, one jade green and one aqua blue. The matching ring is the same but has the stones on opposite sides as the other ring. She looks at me and I say "these are BFF rings. We both wear them and it signifies our bond" So I place it on her finger and I tell her to place the other on mine. She does and she is all teary eyed.

So I lean in and kiss her. This time it is a real kiss, deep, long, and passionate. Our tongues dance as we kiss and it is so wonderful. FINALLY I have the BFF I always wanted. FINALLY I have someone (besides dad) I can trust 100%.

We break the kiss and she is all "Wow, unexpected." And I say "Always expect the unexpected."

I get out of the car and go inside and she drives away and I am now here writing this.

I am in a very happy place right now and it feels right.

Thanks for reading!

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