Sunday, September 2, 2018

School and stuff

I have been busy so I have not written much.

Football season has started and we won our first game! Yay! Cheersquad will be great this year! I look hella cute in my outfit and we have a lot of new cheers this year!

West Virginia also won their first game against Tennessee! YAY!!!!!

I got a car! Dad bought me a's not a Corvette like I wanted but he said if I keep my grades up and behave and don't wreck this one I will get a Vette for graduating High School!

So this is my new car:

It's a 2010 Audi Q5 Quattro. It's hella cute and dad got a good deal on it, it was his friend's wife's vehicle and they bought a new car so dad bought this from them. I like it a lot and I already took Bessie and Bekah for rides in it.

I actually can't wait to totally sex Bekah up in the back seat muahahaha :)

Speaking of Bekah, she still works at Gamestop and has started online classes with University of Phoenix.

Everything else is ok. I have been dropping hints to Bekah that after High School i want us to live together while I go to College. she better say yes or i will kick her ass (lovingly of course).

That's about all for now. I will write more later.
