Thursday, August 31, 2017

Football means Steffi is BANISHED!

Well its Thursday night football and as usual, poor Steffi is banished to the upstairs while dad and his friends watch the game. dad said that if I put some clothes on, I could watch with everyone, but I like being in my underwear when I am home and I refuse to change just because his friends are here. So I will stay up here and relax while they get their football on.

Remember some time ago i wrote about a woman who wanted to scissor me and I didnt know what the term meant at the time? Well I asked Bekah about it and she was all "WTF hahaha really, she asked you to scissor?" So I asked her if she ever did it and she told me she had, many times. I asked her what it was like and she said it was really intense and that you could orgasm multiple times doing it, plus it was very intimate. She asked me what I felt about it and I told her flat out I found the idea of sexual contact with either gender to be disgusting and gross. She asked me why I felt this way and I told her I just did and that I couldn't explain it, it was just something I found gross.

She then said "Ok if that is true WHY do you like being naked with me and showing yourself off to me in a very intimate manner?"

And I told her it was for HER benefit because I know she wants me but can never have me so it's a gift I can give her. Plus it makes me feel empowered to do that and look at her watching me.

She shook her head and laughed and said "That is all kinds of crazy fucked up but, whatever, it's what makes you so fucking adorable."

OMG she thinks I am adorable! yay!

Anyway, that is about all for now. I may write more later, who knows!

Thanks for reading!

Bronies should be put to death

Bronies are a cancer on society. A Brony is a grown man (usually autistic or retarded) who watches My Little Pony. Bronies are, by definition, pedophiles. Every single brony on Earth is using this fandom to stalk young children. This is a FACT and it is NOT in dispute.

Look at some examples of Bronies:

BTW that last pic is WOWS pedophile and stalker Chobittsu.

Anyway, there is only ONE FINAL SOLUTION to the Brony menace:

I will write more tonight
Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Random stuff

So todays cheer squad practice was rough. We practiced a whole new set of cheers and they were very intense. My legs hurt now from doing so many kicks and splits.

Bekah came and watched cheer practice. It was nice having her there watching me. After practice was over I was too tired to go shower off so I just grabbed my stuff and told Bekah I was ready to go.

She could tell I was in a bad mood so we just walked quietly to her car. After I got in she asked me what was wrong. I told her I was just tired and sore from cheer squad, that was all. I said my legs hurt and I dont like being in pain so all i wanted to do was go home and take a long hot shower.
So she says "Without me?" with a laugh and THAT made me laugh and I said "I would rather take all my showers with you." And she got all quiet.

So she drove me to my house and I gave her a long tight hug before I got out. She put both her hands on the sides of my face and kissed me on the top of my head and smiled.

It is nice to have such a great BFF!

So I took a LONG hot shower (like an hour) and it was very relaxing. I finished my homework, played some WOWS, and now I am in bed just relaxing my poor hurting legs and feet.

So Friday Bekah and I are going to dinner and then to the movies. It will be fun! I have a new really really short miniskirt I want to wear and the cutest top to match!

Ok well I am going to bed!

Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Tuesday 2day!

Almost time for bed! Another Tuesday in the books int he cute and positive life of Steffi!

We dissected a shark in biology today and I was a bit let down. I thought we would be dissecting like a 15 foot Great White or something but it was some lame 2 foot shark that didn't look at all threatening. Booo! False Advertising!

I will be staying late tomorrow after school for Cheer Squad. We have some new cheers we want to work on. Bekah said she would stay too and watch and drive me home so dad doesn't have to. That is SO sweet! I am very happy she will watch me cheer! Yay!

Bekah needs a new car though. She has an old Ford Escort and TBH it is kinda lame. She laughs at it and says it is all she can afford. She said it runs perfect because she maintains it and doesn't go abusing it like a lot of people here do to their cars. I told her I want a Corvette when I get my license and she said maybe I should get something older to learn how to drive before I get a $80,000 car. OMG I want a Corvette and that is what I am going to get!

We are going to go to the movies Friday night. It will be fun! Dad said I have to be home by 10 pm though, which is ok with me because I have to cheer Saturday.

I think that is all for now. I am going to go to sleep!

Thanks for reading!


I am in bed and I am very sleepy. I just got done chatting with Bekah on messenger. I miss her not being here.

I was thinking of what to buy her. i want to get her a gift but I am having trouble deciding what kind of gift. We were chatting tonight about her sexuality and she explained to me there are 3 types of lesbians (which I didn't realize!):


Butch lesbians look, dress, act, and talk like men. Bekah said they have short crew cut hair, don't wear makeup, wear pants never dresses or skirts, and are usually heavier or bulkier.

Femme is the total opposite. They look, act, dress, and are otherwise indistinguishable from straight women. They usually are VERY fit, wear more expensive clothes, and are very good looking.

Tomboy is a combination of the 2. Bekah said that is what she considers herself. A Tomboy will wear flannel and jeans and boots like a butch, but has long hair, wears makeup, and acts and talks like a Femme. She pics of the three types:

she said if I was a lesbian (which I am totally NOT btw) I would be a femme type.

So based on all this information I was thinking of something toboyish for her. I was going to buy her some nice panties BUT she wears guys boxers as underwear. I guess that is a tomboy lezbo thing.

So instead I decided to buy her a few Neff beanies and a flannel shirt. I think she will like them.

She also said you can tell whats up with lesbian couples based on their types. Like a Butch-Butch couple will usually last a lifetime as they are straight up 100% sure of their sexuality but their may be issues with both trying to be "alpha" or the man in the pairing.

A Femme-Butch couple is usually a disaster because in this situation the femme isn't really a lesbian but is bisexual or only THINKS she is a lesbian which is why she goes for a masculine looking woman.

Femme-Femme and Tomby-Femme couples are the most stable pairings apparently. Femme-Femmes work because they are both good looking and are more like best friends who happen to have sex. Tomboy-Femme works because the tomboy has just enough masculinity to be "the man" while still being 100% female and the femme is not threatened by this. It is all very confusing.

This is why I prefer to be with NO ONE. It is too complicated!

Ok I am off to bed!
Thanks for reading!

Monday, August 28, 2017

Monday Monday....

So another Monday is in the books in the cute and positive life of Steffi.

Today was a good day all things considered. I have to write a paper in English, boo!! History was fun, and in Biology we are going to dissect a shark! OMG that is gonna be cool TBH. There is a meeting tonight to discuss our football coach as many parents have complained he has no idea wtf he is doing.

A lot of the players need to have good games to show off for college recruiters. For a lot of people here, that football scholarship is their ticket out of poverty and into a college they could never afford otherwise and it looks BAD if your team has a losing record or your coach is an idiot.

It is also rough to cheer for a team that gets clobbered every week. I mean, yeah we try and be upbeat  and positive but when your coach calls plays that an autistic brony wouldn't even call, you know there is a problem at hand.

So I was in the cafeteria and suddenly I felt someone's hands on my shoulders, I turned around ready to punch someone in the face and I saw it was Bekah! I was so happy I jumped in her arms and was all "OMG my BFF". She doesn't eat lunch the same time I do, but she was going to her next class and saw me and wanted to say hi. It made my day I was so happy to see her!

We didn't have gym class today so we didn't get to shower together. Boo! She is my shower buddy.
But she sent me a instant message:

missed seeing your naked self at gym :p

Hahaha! That was sweet. Her sexuality doesn't bother me, I know she looks at me with desire but it is ok, I told her I didn't mind or felt weird about it.

So all my homework is done and I am playing some WOWS for a bit before I go off to bed. I bought that Graf Zeppelin German CV that everyone hates, but I think it is pretty effective.

Thanks for reading!

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Sunday Sunday

So its late Sunday night and I am getting ready for bed. Today was a good day but I was sad when Bekah went home. It was nice having her here all weekend. We slept in late Sunday. When I woke up i realized sometime during the night I snuggled up to her and had my arm around her waist and my head on her shoulder. But it was very comfortable so I fell back asleep like that with her.

So we had breakfast and then she had to leave. I walked her to her car and I hugged her tight and she gave me a kiss on  the top of my head and went home. i was sad even though I know I will see her Monday at school. It is wonderful to have a friend again, especially someone I can relate to. Dad is also happy for me because he worries about me being such a loner.

Anyway, homework is all done, clothes all laid out for tomorrow and I am in bed just relaxing. Tomorrow starts another cute and positive day in the life of Steffi.

Thanks for reading!


hahahaha Bekah fell asleep!

Just finished watching that fight. Mayweather won and I think dad and his friends are pissed off cause I can hear them shouting and cursing downstairs.

I just wanted to write I am so glad I met Bekah. We have bonded in a away I never thought I could with a friend. She is literally like a twin, we have so much in common. Its amazing, I went from disgusted to freaked out to grateful. I remember when I first noticed her looking at me in the showers I felt revolted and put off. Now, I actually look forward to her watching me so I can show myself off to her.

Its weird. I am not attracted to her in any sexual way at all, but it feels so empowering to be naked in front of her, knowing she cant have me, bending over as I wash myself so she can see inside of me. I know its weird but the feeling of power I get knowing she is transfixed on my body is intoxicating.

I mean, i don't want her to touch me or anything at all, but I love showing her my body. Maybe I am weird, who knows!

Anyway, she is asleep in my bed so I am going to climb in with her and fall asleep. But first I have to get Bessie to move because she took my spot! lazy basset hound!

Thanks for reading!

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Saturday cuteness day!

Another Saturday! The last Saturday of August.

So Bekah has been here since Friday. We stayed up late watching movies on Netflix and playing a few video games. Around 2am we were both tired and decided to call it a night. So I was all "You can stay here with me, you dont have to stay in the guest room." And she was all "are you sure? I mean, you know what I mean." So I told her I was ok with it and I trusted her. So I grabbed a few extra pillows and we flopped into my bed. Then Bessie jumped up and tried to snuggle between us and I was all "oh no, go sleep at the foot of the bed." Bekah was laughing because Bessie was trying to lick her face. It was very cute! So we finally fell asleep and it was very nice and comfortable having her there instead of down the hall.

So we woke up at 9am because it was game day! I had a bad feeling we would get clobbered again but, I am on cheer squad so I have to try and motivate everyone. So We woke up and had breakfast that dad made (I would have burnt the house down) and he ran out quick to get stuff for the big fight tonight. SO we went upstairs and I was all "Time to shower and get ready." So I grab my robe and head into the bathroom and turn the shower on and I am all "You coming?" and Bekah is like "What? What are you talking about?" And I explain to her that we always shower together. And she was like "But that is at school, we aren't at school." And I said to her "But, we are shower buddies!" And she laughed and said "You are crazy." And she got undressed in front of me and got into the shower with me. So the conversation went like this:

Bekah: You know what I am so why do you want me in here?

Me: Look, I am confident enough in my own sexuality that I can shower with you and not be bothered by it. Besides, I KNOW you are attracted to me and YOU know I am NOT a lesbian, so I feel bad I can't return those feelings. Showering with you is sort of my way of giving you something, because I know you like it."

And she just looked at me and said "You know that is crazy fucked up but also probably the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me."

I honestly feel bad I can't return those feelings that she has. But that is life. So I made sure to give her a good look at me. I even bent over deep for her  while washing my legs to give her a good view. I leaned against the shower wall and soaped myself up and rinsed myself off while she watched me, It actually felt empowering, I guess like how a stripper must feel knowing a guy is watching her but can't touch her.

It was honestly sexy as all hell.

Anyway, after all that we got dressed and it was time for the game. I cheered my heart out and even that idiot Mandy didn't fuck up this time as the school mascot.


This sucks. A lot of the guys want to go play for WVU and they won't be able too if our team keeps losing. This stinks!!!

So dad took us to Outback for dinner, which was great. He likes Bekah and told me it was about damn time I got a friend.

So now both Bekah and I are banished upstairs as dad and his friends watch that big fight. Bekah and I will watch it up here when it goes on. Right now she is playing League of Legends and I am writing this blog because TBH I think LOL sucks ass.

I will write again later.

Thanks for reading!

Friday, August 25, 2017

Friday Night stuff

So it is Friday night and Bekah is staying over (yay!)

The look on her face when she walked into my house was priceless. Her jaw was on the ground and she was all "omg you live here?" hahaha!

So I took her by the hand and gave her a tour of the house. She was all "what does your dad do?"
So i told her the story of me and dad and how we ended up here. She was all "My god this place is epic, i want to move in". that was so sweet :)

So dad made nachos and we ate and talked and stuff. Now dad is downstairs with his friends watching baseball and AS USUAL I am banished to the second floor because of my walking around in my underwear habit. Bekah was surprised by it. We went upstairs with the nachos and stuff to watch a movie and she was all "Why are you getting undressed?" and I told her this is how I walk around the house, it's just my thing. Then i was all "You shower with me and see me naked like almost every day what is the big deal?" and she was all "well, no big deal I guess."

Hahaha I made her blush. so I told her if she wanted she could walk around in her underwear too so she got undressed.

so now I am writing this as she plays COD. I bought that new CV on WOWS that everyone hates. I dont know why they hate it, I think it's pretty good. I guess because that stupid Little White Mouse chick hates it the lemmings who fall on her every word have to hate it as well.

So I played a few games with it and it has a steep learning curve but it IS effective if you just have patience and recognize what she can and cannot do Too many people just want an instant I WIN button (like Little White Mouse, who actually is a horrible player) instead of having to THINK and STRATEGIZE.

Tomorrow is game 2 of our football season and we will probably get clobbered again. I am sure Mandy will also screw up being the school mascot. But it won't matter, i will look hella cute in my cheer outfit and will try and spread positive vibes.

Ok I am going to go play more WOWS and then head to bed. Bekah is supposed to sleep in the guest room but I am going to ask her if she wants to sleep in my room. I have a king sized bed so there is room for Bessie, my basset hound.

Thanks for reading!

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Today's musings

So today was a good day. I actually passed my calculus test, which amazed me since I hate it and see no use for it. We had cheer squad practice today and Mandy AGAIN will be in the mascot suit on Saturday. she was told NOT to do any tumbles since she is TOO FAT (my words, the coach said she wasn't co-ordinated enough) and they don't want the mascot's head to come flying off like it did last week. I am serious it was like she was decapitated (which would be funny tbh) and at least it was a funny distraction from our football team getting clobbered.

Bekah and I ate lunch together. I didn't know she was a vegan. I don't understand vegans, how can you NOT eat meat? I mean seriously steak is like the bomb.

Anyway, I told her dad said is was totally cool for her to come over and spend the night Friday. That way she can come to the game and watch me cheer with dad. Then afterwards dad said he would take us to OUTBACK!!! YAY! They have vegan stuff....I think. I mean they have salads so she can eat that.

So she was all "Where am I going to sleep?" and I told her "We have like 5 bedrooms you can take one."

I don't think she realizes just how big our house is.

I like Bekah. We have really clicked as friends. I am also not stupid, I KNOW given the chance she would eat and lick all inside my pussy as I held my legs open for her. But as long as she respects the line I have drawn, we will be ok :)

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

So I guess we are friends now

So I am lying in bed after doing homework and I am all tired from fencing. I just showered and pretty much was ready for bed when i get a friend request on FB. This is odd because I have only a few people on FB because its stupid. 90% of my friends are relatives.

So I look and its Bekah. Bekah is the lesbian girl from 12th grade. Bekah isn't her real name, I made it up to protect her identity cause no one needs to know her sexual orientation. I look at the request and I am all "What am i supposed to do about this?". So I decided to accept her request and she starts a chat with me thanking me for keeping her sexuality a secret and stuff.

So I start chatting with her and the next thing I know its 3 hours later and we had been chatting non-stop.

I don't know how that happened. We just started chatting and we apparently have a lot in common. Her family started out in poverty like I did. She plays video games and likes techno and trance. She said she first realized she was a lesbian when she first kissed a boy when she was 13 and felt nothing, but then kissed her friend on a dare and was all like hit by lightning.

I told her i didn't care about her sexuality and that if she was cool with me NOT being a lezbo then I wouldn't mind her being one. she said she wants to be friends and so I guess we are friends now. We exchanged phone numbers and added each other to Instagram and Snap Chat.

She told me she didn't agree with people who say I am an anti-social stuck up bitch. she said there is nothing wrong with wanting to be alone and having only a few close people. I was all "OMFG I know right!" It made me happy to hear someone actually AGREE with me about this.

I invited her over this weekend to meet dad. he has been wanting me to make friends so this should make him happy. Actually, I am going to ask if she can spend the weekend. It would be fun, we could make nachos and watch movies and swim in the pool and stuff.

It's actually nice to have a friend.

Thanks for reading!

Jake D Getty AKA Chobittsu the homophobe

So today I get another lovely message from Jake Getty aka Chobittsu, my fat obsessed stalker from World of Warships. Here it is, unedited for content:

So you freak out when guys look at you or hit on you but you have no problems showing off your body to and showering with a lesbian? You sound like a total dyke to me. Don't you know homosexuality is WRONG according to your fucked up Orthodox Religion you follow? FUCK YOU you dyke cunt, you and the rest of the carpet munchers should die. -Chobit-389

Sigh. SO much hate.

First off, I am NOT a lesbian. Second, I am comfortable enough in my own sexuality that showering next to a lesbian, knowing she is looking at my body with desire, does NOT bother me. She knows I am not into that, she knows the boundaries, she will not cross them. Unlike Chobittsu, who apparently has unresolved issues of his own sexuality, I am confident in MINE.  And dumb ass, how am I NOT supposed to shower with her, we have GYM at the same time. Fucking idiot.

And getting hit on by a guy, especially the older ones who always seem to have a thing for me, is WAY different than what happened at school. This girl (I will refer to her as Bekah, which isn't even close to her real name) was upfront about it, was NOT gross or offensive, and did not make any vulgar or immoral statements to me.

As a matter of fact, I was talking with Bekah today (both in and out of the shower) and she actually turns out to be pretty cool with a lot of the same interests and beliefs I have. SO I think she may end up being a friend.

I am sure Chobittsu though would like to exterminate any homosexual he comes across since he seems to hate them so much. It is a shame, the world would be such a better place without the hatred people like him spew.

Once again, I just hand his messages over to dad who then forwards them to the lawyer. Chobittsu will eventually be in a LOT of trouble for his harassment of me.

I will write more later.

Thanks for reading!

Stuff from today

It's late but I can't sleep so I am writing this blog entry.
School is going good. I can't stand my calculus teacher but other than that, everything is ok. Everyone is sorta settling into their routine for the year. Cheer Squad is going good and fencing is going perfectly for me. My instructors have told me they see vast improvement over my form from last year. I know it's a long shot, but I wanted to try for the Olympics. Even though it's really tough, just the experience of trying would be fantastic. There is no real "Pro" fencing thing out there, so the Olympics really is as far as any of us could go. It's ok though, I have been hooked on it since I was 7.

So today I was waiting outside for dad to pick me up after school and that girl, the lesbian from 12th grade, came outside AGAIN. I noticed she was not in the showers today when I was, so I guess she gave up finally. Well she approached me and asked if we could talk and I was all "fine, what do you want? The conversation went like this:

Her: Steff, I am sorry. I guess I did everything wrong. Yeah, I admit I find you attractive, I guess its not really a secret around here that I prefer girls.

Me: Actually no one has ever said anything. And I hear every bit of gossip in this school, no one has any idea if that's any comfort to you.

Her: Oh. Well that is news to me, I thought everyone just sorta knew. I am glad though, even my parents don't know.

Me: Well I won't tell anyone, it's none of my concern what you like.

Her: I am sorry if showering at the same time as you makes you uncomfortable. I won't do it anymore.

Me: I actually don't mind, and you can look all you want, just understand I don't swing that way ok?

She smiled and said ok. dad pulled up and I got in the car and left. She gave me a small wave goodbye and I waved back and she smiled.

See? people think i am a total BITCH but I am not, I let her down easy, I am keeping her secret, and I waved back. That's as nice as I get. And I was honest, I do not mind her showering next to me and seeing me naked. I am comfortable in my own sexuality not to be freaked out by someone else's. That is called TOLERANCE.

Anyway, that is it for tonight!
Thanks for reading!

Monday, August 21, 2017


So that eclipse was today and it was pretty sweet. We were all outside during school and we all had those protective glasses on and it was really interesting to watch the eclipse. of course, we had SOME idiots who watched the eclipse with NO glasses! HA HA HA they are gonna go blind!

Even MANDY of all people was smart enough to wear the glasses (and she is a fat ho).

SO I finally had a talk with that lesbian 12th grader who has been flirting with me. But first I wanted to make sure she was actually a lesbian. As usual, we ended up showing at the same time after gym. So while we were showering I made sure to bend down a LOT in front of her, giving her a clear view of my ass and pussy. I could tell she was watching me out of the corner of my eye. So after I dried off I was waiting outside for dad when she came outside as well. the conversation went like this:

Me: "Did you enjoy the view?'
Her: "Why did you do that?"
Me: "I KNOW you've been watching me, I KNOW you have been flirting with me."
Her: "Look Steffanie, I was getting mixed signals from you."
Me: "Mixed signals? How is me avoiding you, not talking to you, not acknowledging your waves or smiles or anything, sending you mixed signals? i thought ,my signals were clear."
Her: "I thought you were playing hard to get"
Me: "Oh my God...NO i was NOT. i was trying to tell you thanks but no thanks, I am not a lesbian."
Her: "Ok Steff, I am sorry. I just thought. Look, forget it ok?"

and then she walked away all sad.

I am NOT interested in anyone, guy OR girl. I have more important things in my life than a significant other. besides, i have dad and I would rather spend my time with HIM and not some person that is going to want to make me hold my legs open with my own hands as they eat me out.

Thanks for reading!

Sunday, August 20, 2017

My dad is awesome

I love my dad. love love love love love him!

He is the best. We had a father/daughter night and it was epic. We made NACHOS!!!! And we got that WWE PPV Summerslam. Dad is a big WWE fan. I am not really that into it, but dad follows it so any excuse to spend time with him I grab. So we made nachos..or rather DAD made nachos because I have a habit of burning stuff in the kitchen :(

So we had this YUGE plate of beef nachos all covered in melted cheese and beans and tomatoes and black olives and lettuce and JALAPENOS!! On the side we had salsa, gallons of sour cream, and guac (which I dont like).

So I am upstairs after my shower before the ppv and I remember I have this WWE t shirt dad bought me, So i go downstairs in my underwear and my WWE t shirt and dad starts laughing and is all "that's my girl" and messes up my hair and I am all "omg my hair"! It was very funny.

so we sit on the couch with our nachos and dad has a beer (yuck) and I have my green tea and Bessie (our basset hound) is sitting with us asleep (thats all she ever does is sleep).

So we watch the PPV and I snuggled up to dad and kinda wrap myself around him and just get comfy and we watch some guy named Brock Lesnar kick the shit out of 3 other guys and my dad is all "omg Brock Lesnar rules!"

But to me, my dad rules :)

So it was a great ending to a very cute and positive day! Now tomorrow I am back in school...booo!!

Thanks for reading!

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Random things

They found the wreck of the USS Indianapolis.

USS Indianapolis found!!!

I think that is pretty cool. If you have ever seen Jaws you know what this scene means:

18000 feet down! That is very far!

In other news, our football team got clobbered today. Our new Coach sucks. he was a "diversity hire" if you know what I mean. Our old coach retired and instead of promoting the assistant coach, who was his assistant for 7 years and everyone likes him, they got some outsider who never even lived in this state or coached any team sport to be coach because of....well you know..."DIVERSITY".

This guy doesn't even know the rules of the game apparently. I am no football expert, but even I know you do NOT call a timeout 10 seconds before the two minute warning on second down with 30 seconds left on the play clock. You also do NOT call for a PASS from the SHOTGUN on first and inches from the damn GOAL LINE!!!

OMG they need to fire this....well I won;t say it but it rhymes with GO FIGURE.

My ex BFF Mandy got asked to be the school mascot because she fits in the outfit. I was surprised she agreed to it, but it was probably because she knows she will never get on cheer squad being so FAT! of course, she totally screwed everything up! She was SUPPOSED to grab a set of pompoms and do a sort of funny cheer but instead she tried doing a cartwheel and the head of the mascot fell off and she landed on her fat ass and the whole crowd was laughing at her. I swear to God that girl can't do anything right!

I need to have a talk with this 12th grade lesbian girl. She was at the game today and OF COURSE I see her looking at me and smiling and waving. WTF!!! It is bad enough I have to shower with her after gym class, knowing she is looking at my fit body and fantasizing about bending me over, pulling down my thong, and eating me out from behind. I may have to tell a teacher that I do NOT feel comfortable with her lusting after me.

Dad and I went to is my favorite place to eat! Yummy! Now he is watching football with his friends and I am upstairs banished to the second floor because I walk around constantly in my underwear. Boo! Its MY house I can wear what I want!!! :( :( :(

Thanks for reading!

Friday, August 18, 2017

Porn is immoral and should be banned.

Porn is immoral. Sexual activity should be done in private and not out in the open where everyone can watch! That is gross!

The porn industry is 100% owned and run by (((them))). These bloodsuckers push degeneracy on society and do their best to corrupt the minds of people.

I know that as a very attractive young white blonde christian girl, these perverts would LOVE to abduct me and make me do porn, probably "blacked" porn where white girls are forced to have sex with black guys. This is unnatural and against God! Every porn producer and actor/actress should be thrown in a work camp for the rest of their lives. better yet, just shoot them!

Viewing porn has been shown to degrade testosterone in men and turn women into lesbians.

All porn should be illegal. Even nude scenes in Hollywood films need to be banned unless they are for historical reasons and not just an excuse to watch your favorite actor/actress NUDE and committing adultery!

Keep your damn clothes on till your wedding night!

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Never mind the way I talk!

So without going into long boring details, lets just say I have a very SLIGHT accent. I will clarify.
I was born in a very VERY poor area of Appalachia. My great grandparents fled Berlin after WW2 and settled in coal country. That is where dad and the woman who gave birth to me were from: a dirt poor town somewhere (I will not say where) in Appalachia.

Anyway after I was born and the woman who gave birth to me left dad and I, dad drove us all over the country building his business. Part of the reason dad struggled so much was because of his Appalachia coal country accent. No one took him seriously because of it because of the stereotype of people from that area being stupid. They just assumed he was some uneducated mountain hillbilly who didn't know anything.

It angered dad a lot and so when I started talking with the same accent (because I was around him 24/7 I naturally picked up on how he talked) he made the decision to change it. As soon as his business hit and he became wealthy he hired a dialect teacher to "break" my accent. He did not want me to go through the same struggles and face the same discrimination he faced because of how he sounded.

So for a few years I was "re-taught" how to speak less "coal country". Eventually I progressed as far as I could and I lost about 90% of my accent.

I have a very SLIGHT very soft "mountain folk" type accent now. It comes out more when I am angry but most of the time no one can really pinpoint what it is or where its from. I actually have gotten compliments on it, so that is good.

Dad and my uncle still have their full accents. So does my Grandpa. So when they visit I have a hard time understanding them! My grandpa is all "Steffi what happened to your voice?' in a joking way.

I am writing all this because SOME PEOPLE (Mandy) like to talk shit at school saying stupid stuff like "Oh Steffi is an exchange student from a coal mine".

Well FUCK YOU MANDY you fat TJ MAXX wearing ho! You are still just jealous because instead of Cheer Squad you got asked to put on the uniform of the school mascot because you are so fat now!

I swear to God I will CUT MANDY if she keeps talking smack about me and dad.

Thanks for reading! (except for you Mandy, fuck you!)

Some cuteness for your day!

With all the ugliness going on today, we need some cuteness:

That's all for now, time for school!
Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Back to school

So I am a junior now. Yay! I am very excited to be in 11th grade. I am sure the new school year will be full of cuteness and positive vibes!

Cheer squad starts this week and I am so excited! Friday is uniform day so we can go to school in our cheer outfits. I love this because I look especially hella cute. The black and orange school colors suit me.

Some notes on school so far

My Calculus teacher is one of (((them))). Yuck. I can't stand the fact he will be teaching me this semester. I know how (((they))) think when they see a pretty young blonde Christian girl like me: they want to abduct us and make us do "blacked" porn. Disgusting.

A lot of people got FAT over the summer. I have counted at least 6 people I know who all gained a hella amount of weight this summer. WTF why are you so fat? Stop going to Steak N Shake you lazy landwhales! I mean my God how hard is it to just say NO to another hamburger!?!?!?

I think one of the senior girls is a lesbian and is checking me out. We were all showering after gym class and she was all "wow you have a really fit body, how did you get so fit?" And I was thinking "bitch why are you checking me out as I shower?" So I told her "I am on the fencing squad and I work out all the time. Plus I am not a lesbian so that helps." She just grinned, I think she is a lezbo and wants to throw me on her bed and spread my legs and eat me out.

I was happy to see our school janitor again. He was the man who warned me about the whole upskirt thing in the mall. he is very sweet and kind. We chatted for a bit as I waited for dad to pick me up.

Well that is all for now, i will write more later.

Thanks for reading!

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Hahahaha look at the Bronies!!!!

Bronies are older men (in their 20's and 30's) who watch that show My Little Pony.

All of them are sexually deviant and immoral with many mental issues.

I do not understand how parents will let their kids grow up like this. I mean look at this stuff:

These are the type of people who harass poor innocent white Christian girls like ME online.

Thanks for reading!

Chobittsu aka Chobit-389 threatens to rape me

Well I log in today and I see a message from a certain Mr Getty aka Chobittsu aka Chobit-389. Here is the unaltered message:

"No one wants to eat your pussy out except your dad. I would rather just rape your pussy and get your pregnant and piss on your face." -Chobit-389.

This is the sort of abuse Chobittsu throws at me, both here and on World of Warships. Despite all this, forum mod Niko Power, more than likely one of (((them))), refuses to do anything to sanction his friend Chobittsu. You know damn well if anyone looked at Little White Mouse the wrong way (who btw violates the NDA on her blog all the time) Niko Powerbergsteinovitz would ban the person for life.

But, I am cute and positive, so it does not get me down. I just save the messages and pass them to my dad who passes them to his lawyer. Trust me, eventually Chobittsu and his friends will lose their WOWS accounts due to their continued harrassment of me.

School starts Monday and I am very much looking forward to it! I have a wonderful cute outfit all picked out! Dad is NOT looking forward to driving me again hahahaha but I won't ride the bus because there is a lot of immoral and fat ugly people on it. I am looking forward to Cheer Squad again and all the fun it will bring.

See, perverts and immoral fat neckbeards like Chobittsu cannot bring me down. I am always cute and positive and I live my life that way!!! My cuteness and positive outlook will always win out in the end because ugly hateful people either give up or die in misery.

Thanks for reading!

Thursday, August 10, 2017

NO you CANNOT eat me out

The sick immoral stuff I have to deal with.

So I am at the mall shopping for school clothes at Nordstrom. I look hella cute in a small white mini and matching white sleeveless top and my pink converse sneakers. I load up on my purchases and head on over to the food court to wait for dad, who is still in Bass Pro Shops. I sit at a table and pull my phone out and start browsing my Snapchat and Instagram.

This guy, probably about 24 or so, comes up to my table and starts talking to me. Now, I readily admit I am not social able at all. Like NOT AT ALL. If I do not want to talk to you then I will NOT talk to you. And I would never just approach a stranger in the mall for any reason. So the conversation goes like this:

"Hi, mind If I sit with you?'

"I do mind actually."

"Oh 'cmon, I'm harmless, I just want to be friendly."

"If you want to be friendly then just go, I am not interested even in the slightest."

"You know, when a girl that looks like you dresses like that, she is signaling she wants to get eaten out."

"Excuse me?"

"Look at you. You know you are hot so you dress provocatively to get a reaction from guys, then you get all pissy when they Do react to you. The only reason a girl like you wears a WHITE miniskirt that barely covers her ass is because she wants a man to lay her back, spread her legs, and eat her pussy out."

So I look at him and I say:

"You are totally correct. However, since you discovered my secret plan you will never, and I mean NEVER, get to experience the pure sexual joy of eating my pussy. Now go away or I will have mall security shoot you."

So he stomps away all angry and stuff. I swear, I like to dress the way I do because I look hella cute and it is comfortable. I am NOT advertising my vagina to be eaten out. TBH the way guys are, my pussy will NEVER get eaten out because if this is what all men are like I ain't ever gonna get married!!!

Total disgusting immorality. I told dad and he said next time to just taze the guy or pepper spray him...but if I do to record it and put it on you tube.

I love my dad soooooooooooooooo much! :)

Thanks for reading!

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Cute and positive!!!

Today was another cute and positive day full of...well.....cuteness and positivism!

It stormed most of the day so I didn't end up washing cars, but that is ok cause I spent the day doing my fencing training. I love fencing, it keeps me in tip top shape and I am good at it.

I do have a confession though: when I am competing or practicing I like to imagine I am a Sith Lord.....Darth Steffi, and in my head I am all "Foolish Jedi I shall strike you down for the Emperor"

Fencing is a great sport and activity. I wish more people would participate in it.

I cannot believe summer is almost over! It flew by! This year i will be a junior in high school, it will be fun! I am looking forward to cheer squad. I also took the Latin elective, my German is ok, I can speak it fine even though my pronunciation is a bit off sometimes. I WANTED to take Greek because that is the language of the Orthodox Church BUT my school doesn't offer it. Latin should be fun though.

I have been playing a lot of Co-Op in WOWS lately. I got my rank 10 and I stopped because the stress is just too much to handle. Co-Op is fun and even though the XP isn't as high the games are a lot faster.

In the meantime watch this video about the one TRUE FAITH:

Thanks for reading!