Thursday, August 24, 2017

Today's musings

So today was a good day. I actually passed my calculus test, which amazed me since I hate it and see no use for it. We had cheer squad practice today and Mandy AGAIN will be in the mascot suit on Saturday. she was told NOT to do any tumbles since she is TOO FAT (my words, the coach said she wasn't co-ordinated enough) and they don't want the mascot's head to come flying off like it did last week. I am serious it was like she was decapitated (which would be funny tbh) and at least it was a funny distraction from our football team getting clobbered.

Bekah and I ate lunch together. I didn't know she was a vegan. I don't understand vegans, how can you NOT eat meat? I mean seriously steak is like the bomb.

Anyway, I told her dad said is was totally cool for her to come over and spend the night Friday. That way she can come to the game and watch me cheer with dad. Then afterwards dad said he would take us to OUTBACK!!! YAY! They have vegan stuff....I think. I mean they have salads so she can eat that.

So she was all "Where am I going to sleep?" and I told her "We have like 5 bedrooms you can take one."

I don't think she realizes just how big our house is.

I like Bekah. We have really clicked as friends. I am also not stupid, I KNOW given the chance she would eat and lick all inside my pussy as I held my legs open for her. But as long as she respects the line I have drawn, we will be ok :)

Thanks for reading!

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