Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Tuesday 2day!

Almost time for bed! Another Tuesday in the books int he cute and positive life of Steffi!

We dissected a shark in biology today and I was a bit let down. I thought we would be dissecting like a 15 foot Great White or something but it was some lame 2 foot shark that didn't look at all threatening. Booo! False Advertising!

I will be staying late tomorrow after school for Cheer Squad. We have some new cheers we want to work on. Bekah said she would stay too and watch and drive me home so dad doesn't have to. That is SO sweet! I am very happy she will watch me cheer! Yay!

Bekah needs a new car though. She has an old Ford Escort and TBH it is kinda lame. She laughs at it and says it is all she can afford. She said it runs perfect because she maintains it and doesn't go abusing it like a lot of people here do to their cars. I told her I want a Corvette when I get my license and she said maybe I should get something older to learn how to drive before I get a $80,000 car. OMG I want a Corvette and that is what I am going to get!

We are going to go to the movies Friday night. It will be fun! Dad said I have to be home by 10 pm though, which is ok with me because I have to cheer Saturday.

I think that is all for now. I am going to go to sleep!

Thanks for reading!

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