Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Random stuff

So todays cheer squad practice was rough. We practiced a whole new set of cheers and they were very intense. My legs hurt now from doing so many kicks and splits.

Bekah came and watched cheer practice. It was nice having her there watching me. After practice was over I was too tired to go shower off so I just grabbed my stuff and told Bekah I was ready to go.

She could tell I was in a bad mood so we just walked quietly to her car. After I got in she asked me what was wrong. I told her I was just tired and sore from cheer squad, that was all. I said my legs hurt and I dont like being in pain so all i wanted to do was go home and take a long hot shower.
So she says "Without me?" with a laugh and THAT made me laugh and I said "I would rather take all my showers with you." And she got all quiet.

So she drove me to my house and I gave her a long tight hug before I got out. She put both her hands on the sides of my face and kissed me on the top of my head and smiled.

It is nice to have such a great BFF!

So I took a LONG hot shower (like an hour) and it was very relaxing. I finished my homework, played some WOWS, and now I am in bed just relaxing my poor hurting legs and feet.

So Friday Bekah and I are going to dinner and then to the movies. It will be fun! I have a new really really short miniskirt I want to wear and the cutest top to match!

Ok well I am going to bed!

Thanks for reading!

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