Saturday, August 5, 2017

Cute and positive!!!

Today was another cute and positive day full of...well.....cuteness and positivism!

It stormed most of the day so I didn't end up washing cars, but that is ok cause I spent the day doing my fencing training. I love fencing, it keeps me in tip top shape and I am good at it.

I do have a confession though: when I am competing or practicing I like to imagine I am a Sith Lord.....Darth Steffi, and in my head I am all "Foolish Jedi I shall strike you down for the Emperor"

Fencing is a great sport and activity. I wish more people would participate in it.

I cannot believe summer is almost over! It flew by! This year i will be a junior in high school, it will be fun! I am looking forward to cheer squad. I also took the Latin elective, my German is ok, I can speak it fine even though my pronunciation is a bit off sometimes. I WANTED to take Greek because that is the language of the Orthodox Church BUT my school doesn't offer it. Latin should be fun though.

I have been playing a lot of Co-Op in WOWS lately. I got my rank 10 and I stopped because the stress is just too much to handle. Co-Op is fun and even though the XP isn't as high the games are a lot faster.

In the meantime watch this video about the one TRUE FAITH:

Thanks for reading!

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