Monday, August 21, 2017


So that eclipse was today and it was pretty sweet. We were all outside during school and we all had those protective glasses on and it was really interesting to watch the eclipse. of course, we had SOME idiots who watched the eclipse with NO glasses! HA HA HA they are gonna go blind!

Even MANDY of all people was smart enough to wear the glasses (and she is a fat ho).

SO I finally had a talk with that lesbian 12th grader who has been flirting with me. But first I wanted to make sure she was actually a lesbian. As usual, we ended up showing at the same time after gym. So while we were showering I made sure to bend down a LOT in front of her, giving her a clear view of my ass and pussy. I could tell she was watching me out of the corner of my eye. So after I dried off I was waiting outside for dad when she came outside as well. the conversation went like this:

Me: "Did you enjoy the view?'
Her: "Why did you do that?"
Me: "I KNOW you've been watching me, I KNOW you have been flirting with me."
Her: "Look Steffanie, I was getting mixed signals from you."
Me: "Mixed signals? How is me avoiding you, not talking to you, not acknowledging your waves or smiles or anything, sending you mixed signals? i thought ,my signals were clear."
Her: "I thought you were playing hard to get"
Me: "Oh my God...NO i was NOT. i was trying to tell you thanks but no thanks, I am not a lesbian."
Her: "Ok Steff, I am sorry. I just thought. Look, forget it ok?"

and then she walked away all sad.

I am NOT interested in anyone, guy OR girl. I have more important things in my life than a significant other. besides, i have dad and I would rather spend my time with HIM and not some person that is going to want to make me hold my legs open with my own hands as they eat me out.

Thanks for reading!

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