Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Jake D Getty AKA Chobittsu the homophobe

So today I get another lovely message from Jake Getty aka Chobittsu, my fat obsessed stalker from World of Warships. Here it is, unedited for content:

So you freak out when guys look at you or hit on you but you have no problems showing off your body to and showering with a lesbian? You sound like a total dyke to me. Don't you know homosexuality is WRONG according to your fucked up Orthodox Religion you follow? FUCK YOU you dyke cunt, you and the rest of the carpet munchers should die. -Chobit-389

Sigh. SO much hate.

First off, I am NOT a lesbian. Second, I am comfortable enough in my own sexuality that showering next to a lesbian, knowing she is looking at my body with desire, does NOT bother me. She knows I am not into that, she knows the boundaries, she will not cross them. Unlike Chobittsu, who apparently has unresolved issues of his own sexuality, I am confident in MINE.  And dumb ass, how am I NOT supposed to shower with her, we have GYM at the same time. Fucking idiot.

And getting hit on by a guy, especially the older ones who always seem to have a thing for me, is WAY different than what happened at school. This girl (I will refer to her as Bekah, which isn't even close to her real name) was upfront about it, was NOT gross or offensive, and did not make any vulgar or immoral statements to me.

As a matter of fact, I was talking with Bekah today (both in and out of the shower) and she actually turns out to be pretty cool with a lot of the same interests and beliefs I have. SO I think she may end up being a friend.

I am sure Chobittsu though would like to exterminate any homosexual he comes across since he seems to hate them so much. It is a shame, the world would be such a better place without the hatred people like him spew.

Once again, I just hand his messages over to dad who then forwards them to the lawyer. Chobittsu will eventually be in a LOT of trouble for his harassment of me.

I will write more later.

Thanks for reading!

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