Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Back to school

So I am a junior now. Yay! I am very excited to be in 11th grade. I am sure the new school year will be full of cuteness and positive vibes!

Cheer squad starts this week and I am so excited! Friday is uniform day so we can go to school in our cheer outfits. I love this because I look especially hella cute. The black and orange school colors suit me.

Some notes on school so far

My Calculus teacher is one of (((them))). Yuck. I can't stand the fact he will be teaching me this semester. I know how (((they))) think when they see a pretty young blonde Christian girl like me: they want to abduct us and make us do "blacked" porn. Disgusting.

A lot of people got FAT over the summer. I have counted at least 6 people I know who all gained a hella amount of weight this summer. WTF why are you so fat? Stop going to Steak N Shake you lazy landwhales! I mean my God how hard is it to just say NO to another hamburger!?!?!?

I think one of the senior girls is a lesbian and is checking me out. We were all showering after gym class and she was all "wow you have a really fit body, how did you get so fit?" And I was thinking "bitch why are you checking me out as I shower?" So I told her "I am on the fencing squad and I work out all the time. Plus I am not a lesbian so that helps." She just grinned, I think she is a lezbo and wants to throw me on her bed and spread my legs and eat me out.

I was happy to see our school janitor again. He was the man who warned me about the whole upskirt thing in the mall. he is very sweet and kind. We chatted for a bit as I waited for dad to pick me up.

Well that is all for now, i will write more later.

Thanks for reading!

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