Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Angry stupid WOWS forum tards!

I think it is hilarious to no end the amount of angry forum rejects from World of Warships that try to tear me down because I freely give my opinions and do not tow the PC line. What is most hilarious is 90% of these forum trolls have anime girl avatars...we all know what THAT means:


Yes, it is a fact that most anime girl avatar using people on World of Warships forums are, in fact, fat neckbearded obese guys. I mean take a look at these "things", this is your average forum troll right here folks. Now look at me:

This is why these neck beards harass me so much on the forums....because they will never EVER get a girl as hella cute as me. It is just pure hatred and sexism from them. They hate that girls play video games, they hate when women refuse to shut up and give their opinions. They fear strong women like ME so their natural reaction is to hurl slander and vulgarity at them, like a lot of them do on World of Warships.

I won't ever keep quiet and I will always say what i feel and if some fat anime obsessed neckbeard doesn't like it then they can go choke on their hot pockets.

Thanks for reading!

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