Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Chilean Sea Bass!?!? More like Chilean Sea RIPOFF!!!

So Dad told me we are going to the fish market this weekend to get some fresh fish to cook up. he asked me to think about what kind of fish I would like. Now, I LOVE seafood, and I love trying seafood I have never eaten before. So I was watching TV thinking of what fish I would like, I was checking out Jurassic Park actually, when I saw the scene where John Hammond is talking about what his chef is making for dinner....Chilean Sea Bass. Well, I figured if it was good enough for John Hammond, it would be good enough for me!

So I jump on the interwebz to check out Chilean Sea Bass recipes...only to discover....


What in the Wide Wide World of Sports is this crap? This thing is actually a Patagonian Toothfish!!!
Apparently in 1977 some fish guy got the bright idea to rename this fish because he wanted to market it in the USA and didn't think people would eat something called a "toothfish". Well not shit Sherlock!! So he started marketing this fish as a "Chilean Sea Bass" to the USA and it caught on.

Now, I admit, from all accounts it is one hell of a tasty fish and cooks up nice and it is a very clean fish as far as oil and fishiness goes. But that does NOT excuse the fact that they are fooling people into thinking this thing is a Bass and it is from Chile. It is most certainly NOT!!!!

There ought to be a law against deceptive advertising as far as fish goes. I mean, yeah I am going to ask dad to get some because apparently it is uber tasty, but still....I feel deceived by the name.

I wonder if I can sue someone.....

Thanks for reading!

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