Friday, June 30, 2017

Chobittsu the fat anime creeper


AGAIN I have to deal with stalkers and obsessed neckbeards from World of Warships. This time it is some old overweight anime freak named  Chobittsu, who shows obvious signs of being an aspie. Apparently this man-child LOVES stalking me on the WOWS forums and has taken it upon himself to comment spam this blog, all because I called him out on his creepiness at harassing an underage girl (me).

Think about it..this ADULT male (who claims he is married with kids no less) has an anime little girl as his forum avatar!!! This ADULT also spends a LOT time time harassing a 16 year old (ME).

Why won't the forum mods at WOWS do anything about this illegal and disgusting trend of picking on not just me, but a lot of the female members of the forum by a select group of neckbearded anime-obsessed adult men?

I think this is something the higher-ups at Wargaming need to know about.

Look, I am not some Gamer-gate style SJW. Feminism is stupid to be honest and those women at the center of Gamer-gate got what they deserved as far as I am concerned, what is at issue here is fat adult aspie neckbeards harassing underage girls, plain and simple, and being protected by their fellow neckbeards who happen to be forum mods.

People like Chobittsu probably sit around all day and look at immoral vulgar things online, and yet they have children (supposedly but I actually doubt anyone would breed with a neckbeard).

I thought this blog would be a nice place where I can spread some happiness and cuteness to anyone who stumbled across it, but a select group of fat neckbearded aspie anime freaks have decided, in their perversion and ugliness, to try and destroy it.

Ain't gonna happen folks!! I am not going anywhere. Eventually they will give up and go away and I will continue to put down my thoughts and opinions here.

Thanks for reading!

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