Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Good morning!

It's another sunny day here in *REDACTED* and I have things to do today. First up is morning yoga and fencing practice. Then I will swim a few laps in the pool and it's time for the first day on my job.

Dad wanted me to get a job to instill some responsibility in me, like DUH I am already responsible but whatever, I will do what he says. A family friend owns a car wash so I will head on over there for 4 hours and help hand wash cars. I think it will be fun TBH. I will be outside, with people I know, and I have the cutest pair of cut off shorts and half top I am going to wear, so maybe I will make some tips!

What else....oh after that I will come home and shower off and see what is going on for dinner. Dad and I went food shopping yesterday and he picked up some steaks so I am hoping he will grill them up for dinner. After that I will just chill and play video games or watch TV or something.

BTW Dad and I saw that new Transformers movie and it sucks. Like, it is visually impressive but the movie itself blows chunks.

Thanks for reading!


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