Monday, June 26, 2017

My first post!

So this is my first post on my new blog. I have gotten a lot of abuse from people over this blog, people who do not think my opinions are important. Well they are important to ME so deal with it. I think they are just jealous because I am hella cute.

I play this game called World of Warships , its a pretty cool game where I get to sink a lot of ships and blow stuff up. I think I am pretty good at the game and I play it honestly. A lot of the people (around 80%) with high win rates (over 65%) get their stats via seal clubbing, which is a process by which they take a fully maxed out captain into a low tier match and kill new players in order to pad their win rate stats. People get REALLY angry when you point this out to them and they all DENY it, but the truth hurts and they can't handle it.

So a bit about me. I live with my Dad "somewhere" in the USA. I am not going to say where as I do not need stalkers. I have been raised by Dad almost since birth. The woman who gave birth to me ran out on me and Dad because she thought his business would never go anywhere and she didn't want to be with a "loser". Well Dad and I lived in a camper and drove all over the USA as he built his business. I was raised in that camper, at truck stops, at motels, and in offices all over the country as Dad shopped his business. As a result I became very independent and, I will admit, very stubborn and opinionated.

Well Dad's business paid off and he made a shit load of $$$. Like MAD bank. He sold his business to some Silicon Valley types for 7 figures and we finally settled down. Now he spends his time doing some consulting work and Op-Ed writing. I am going to be a junior in High School next year.

I fully admit I am a 100% daddy's girl. My Dad is my hero, my role model, my protector. I admit I will always be his princess. I love him more than anything (even if I drive him crazy sometimes, which I admit I do).

I do cheer squad and fencing. I do fencing a LOT, I train all year round for it.

That is about it for now. This is just an introduction post. I will write more when I think of an interesting topic to talk about.

Thanks for reading!

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