Thursday, July 20, 2017

Chobittsu makes fun of suicide....

So it was a tragic day today as Linkin Park front man Chester Bennington hung himself today. Suicide is terrible, it is tragic, and it is sad to see it happen to anyone. He has documented abuse he had suffered in his life, that coupled with the suicide death of his best friend Chris Cornell of Soundgarden apparently was too much for the Linkin Park singer. Where there is life there is hope, but for some folks the pain of life and tragedy is too much to bear. Rational caring people try to understand, try to heal, and try to love these who go through such things.

And then there is Chobittsu, who wasted NO TIME in making fun of Bennington's suicide, and indeed, suicide in general, on the World of Warships forums. In his hate and toxicity, Chobittsu claimed it was NO LOSS.....apparently not caring about Bennington's family and friends. I guess for people like Chobittsu, who look at the world with hate filled eyes, suicide is an opportunity to troll people and make fun of people who can no longer fight back.

And, as usual, he dragged my name into it, in his perverse obsession with me, into his hate filled rantings. I WAS surprised to see him taken to task by so many people about his attitude and hate filled remarks about Bennington and people who commit suicide in general.

I am starting to believe Chobittsu is mentally ill. No, like seriously, he may have Down's Syndrome or be Autistic (thought TBH Autism is fake, it is just a crutch for people to act like assholes).

I wonder how Mama Getty will take it when her son's abusive behavior is brought to light? or his employer.....

If you or someone you know is contemplating suicide, please PLEASE call


Thanks for reading!

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