Friday, July 7, 2017

Goodnight vibes

It is pretty late here and I am in bed in my panties and half shirt just all comfy and relaxed. dad already came in to say goodnight...he is probably snoring away. I know he snores because when I was young and would crawl into bed with him when it was thundering his snores were louder than the storm!

The dog is in her bed on her back with her paws in the air. I don't know why she sleeps like that but she is comfortable so whatever floats her furry boat.

I watched President Trump on TV tonight. It was good to see him with Putin. Russia is our friend, despite what people in the media think. She is Orthodox Christian (the same as me and dad) and she is the true heir to Rome. My dad hated Obama, when Obama said people like my dad didn't build their businesses he almost kicked the TV over he was so angry. His exact words were:

"I don't give a **** what that ****** Muslim piece of **** says, this is my ******* business built with my ******* blood and tears and he can go **** his ***** mother".

I didn't type out the profanity because I think it was excessive in this instance.

Orthodox Christianity is the true Christian religion, it is the purest form and its lineage goes all the way back to Byzantium. Someday, we will retake Constantinople. At least that is what my dad says, he claims it was stolen from us by the Turks and they have no right to it. I trust his word on this so I believe it too.

I was thinking about those ghetto thug guys today and how they leered at me. I am well aware I am very attractive and I am well aware of my own sexuality and how people perceive me. I am totally aware people look at me and think perverse thoughts and stuff, like that woman who wanted to scissor me. It used to bother me how people can look at me like a piece of meat, but honestly I am starting to just ignore it. They will never get to touch me so it is not important to my life. My own purity and morality is the most important thing to me, and I choose to stay this way.

Anyway, time for bed. Goodnight!

Thanks for reading!

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