Sunday, July 2, 2017

So I got this today :)

I got this message today. The author said I could blog it but to remove their name first, for obvious reasons.

Hi Steff!!

I just wanted you to know that you are not alone. Some of us have seen the bullshit abuse you have been getting from certain members here and we are in total agreement with you. It is the same abuse we also have gotten, either over our gender, race, or sexuality. You need to know there is a small select group of people who wield all the power on the forums and they all stick together to watch each other's backs. They will look out for their friends and ban or censor anyone who calls them out on their bullshit. The fact that they suspended you for 2 days because of your personal blog is the straw that broke our backs, so to speak. THAT is total bullshit and some of us now wonder if they will use this as a precedent to ban some of us over Facebook, Imgur etc etc etc. We intend to go to War Gaming itself, bypassing the forum admins, over this issue.

Oh and on a personal note, I cannot speak of the other 2 because I do not know them, but Chobittsu has a reputation as a total triggered snowflake. Like he cries and gets triggered at ANYTHING he even finds remotely "offensive". ANyway good luck, you can blog this but please do not add my name!

Love ya!

I am glad some people see my side of things!

Thanks for reading!

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