Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Hump Day (literally)

So another Wednesday is in the books in the cute positive life that is Steffi.

We had ANOTHER Calculus test...omg I HATE will I need this crap for in my real life?!?!?!?!

Someone set off the fire alarms at school so we all had to go outside....omg....morons....thank God it wasn't raining.

I was watching all the news on Hurricane Maria destroying Puerto Rico. That is very sad all those people lost their stuff. That is why I am glad I live where I do, no hurricanes here!!

OMG one of the Senior boys asked me out today....WTF...he is on the track team and he was all "Hey Steffanie, how would you like to go out this weekend to dinner and a movie?'  OMG I am NOT having any of that shit so I was all "No thanks, I don't plan on dating anyone." And he says "Oh cmon, it will be harmless fun. Just a friend thing!" And I replied "Dude, I said NO. The fact you keep asking me after I said NO tells me you are a probable rapist."

So I went to see the Principal and he rolled his eyes at me AGAIN and sighed "What is it now Miss **REDACTED**?"

So I told him that boy was sexually harassing me and was probably a rapist and more than likely had drugs in his locker and he better get searched and suspended or else I will tell my dad. And he was all "Steffanie, asking a girl out on a date isn't exactly sexual harassment." So I told him he was a rapist enabler and that I would inform the school board.

I don't understand WHY these so called educated people do not care about rapists and bronies and furries in our high school.

So I was in my Sociology Class today and APPARENTLY we are having a school wide lecture next week by some group promoting Same Sex marriage and a whole bunch of other immoral deviant ideology. We were told attendance is mandatory........


No one can brainwash me and change MY beliefs!

So I wait outside for Bekah  and she shows up and I am all "Where were you? You are 5 minutes late!" And she is all "I am sorry i got to talking to my Sociology teacher about the lecture next week."
So I say "Yeah that is a bunch of total bullshit." So bekah looks at me and she is all "What do you mean?" So I tell her it will all be about BS nonsense like gay marriage and adoption, diversity, how whites are oppressive and other totally bullshit crap that isn't true. I tell her it is all the plan of the Jews to degenerate our society.

So she gets really quiet and is all "Lets go Steff."

So we get in the car and I am all "WTF is your problem? Why are you so quiet?" And she says "Steff, sometimes the things you say are...well, to me a bit shocking." OMG DRAMA QUEEN. So I say to her "What? It is all true! How can less than 1% of the population control our banks, entertainment industry, our legal system, our universities, everything. You know what it is called when a small segment of a society rules over the vast majority? APARTHEID. Ask Nelson Mandela how that worked out for him."

She shakes her head and just says "I love you to death but sometimes I don't understand you." I roll my eyes and I am all to myself "I don;t need this." So i turn on caring, nurturing Steffi. I lean over and put my head on her shoulder as she drives and I say to her "The fact we are so different is what makes us so close, its what makes us BFFs. Its a good thing." She sighs and says "Yeah I guess."

So i take my hand and start rubbing her leg as she drives and she has a small smile and says "higher up" SO I move my hand higher up her leg and rub it harder and she says "careful i dont want to crash."

So we get to my house and I see dad isn't home and I am all "WTF" and I check my messages and see i missed a text from him saying he was going to help his friend fix his truck and would be back by 7. SO I ask Bekah to come in and we go inside and I let Bessie out and then feed her.

Bekah and I go up to my room and she is all "You should try and be more flexible with things, like gay marriage, who cares what someones sex is if you love them?"

So I am all "Because it says in the bible not to do it. It is immoral and goes against nature." Bekah just sighs and says "I don't understand you sometimes." So I walk up to her and get behind her and start rubbing her shoulders and say "Like i said, our differences make us who we are." So she turns around and loos at me and says "I guess."

I hug her and she hugs me back and we just sort of stand there, holding each other. I run my hands down her back and then run them along the top of her shorts. I unbutton them and slowly pull her zipper down. I pull her shorts off and they fall to the floor. She puts her hands under my shirt and lifts it off of me and unhooks my bra, exposing my tits. She gently pulls my miniskirt off and I step out of it, leaving me in just my thong.

she gets behind me and kisses the back of my neck. She then kisses all down my back and spine. She gets on her knees behind me and kisses all down my sides and hips and up and down the back of my legs. She gently caresses my ass and I know what she wants to do. So I softly say "You can do it."

She begins kissing all over my ass, gently and softly. She licks all up and down my ass to the back of my knees and up again. She gently pulls my thong down and i step out of it. She Takes one hand and pushes down on the small of my back. I know what she wants me to do, and I am leery of it but I decide to go for it. I bend over slowly and brace myself on my bed. I spread my legs apart a bit and I am now totally exposed and open to her. she kisses and licks all up and down the back of my legs and up my ass. she takes her hands and softly opens my ass cheeks. she pulls them apart until my hole is exposed and gaping in front of her. She kisses all around the opening to my hole and licks softly. I fell my pussy getting soaking wet as she licks and nuzzles at my ass. I feel her stand up and hear her remove the rest of her clothes. She takes my hips in her hands and turns me around and gently pushes me onto my bed. I lean back and open my legs wide for her, inviting her to me. She gently mounts me and positions her pussy against mine. We both start grinding softly. she leans into me and kisses my neck as she grinds against me. I run my fingers down her back and wrap my legs around her waist.

We grind against each other for over and hour, my bed squeaking as we rock back and forth. She takes my legs and holds them back as far as she can as she grinds her pussy against mine. I lean up and kiss her all over her neck as we both approach our orgasms.

Finally we cant hold it back anymore and we both start to cum. We both cry out and moan loudly as we grind fast and fast against each other as wave after waves or our orgasms overcome us.

She collapses on top of me and I hold her tight. We lay there for a while, just enjoying the moment. I look at her and say "it gets better every time" and she smiles. We hold each other and after a while she says she has to go. We get dressed and she leaves...and now I am alone again.

Story of my life.

Thanks for reading!

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