Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Oh the Drama

So bekah calls me and she is all "Steff I want to talk" and I am all "Of course!" and she is all "I need to come over so we can talk" so I say "sure!" So she comes over and texts me from the drive way and says "Can we talk outside?'

Oh  My God she is a total drama queen.

So I walk outside to her car and she is all leaning against the door and I say "whats up?" and she just starts blabbering about what we did yesterday and today and how it is fucking with her mind and emotions and she is all "how can we do the things we do but you will not go any further? please understand, I am not saying I dont love it, I do, and I get the whole 'bonding' thing...but Steff, what we do is exactly what lesbians do when they have sex. In my head, this is what it is and the fact you refuse to call it that or acknowledge what you are doing IS lesbianism is really fucking me up emotionally"

So I smack her right across the face, hard, like full force. It stung my hand. She staggers back and is holding her cheek and looks at me and has tears in her eyes and just says "Why?"

So I tell her "Bekah, being a lesbian is sinful and immoral. It is against God and the true Orthodox faith. What you and I do is bonding, an intimate form of bonding of love between two BFF's, NOT between two sex crazed lezbo dykes. A lesbian would stab you in the back and cheat on you in an instant, a BFF never will. A lesbian would hurt you, I never will. A lesbian would never really love you, I ALWAYS WILL"

And she just looks at me in total confusion and i can see I am NOT getting through to her.

So I say "Look, Bekah. I know your brain is corrupted by your deviant lesbian ways and you do not think straight sometimes, but it is ok, I forgive you for that. But you need to understand if you want to continue what we have, you need to STOP calling it lesbianism. As a matter of fact, YOU need to STOP being a lesbian completely."

and she says "I can't stop being what I am" and I shake my head and reply "That is just what you have been brainwashed to believe. NO ONE is born a lesbian, it is a CHOICE and just like you can choose to stop doing drugs, you can STOP being a lesbian. But like any deviant addiction, you have to WANT to stop."

She bows her head and just looks so sad. So I know its time for caring, nurturing Steffi. I walked up to her and put my arms around her and hug her tight. I lift her face in my hands and kiss the tears on her cheeks. I look her in the eyes and I tell her it is ok, that I will help her overcome her lesbian tendencies, and that I will never give up on her or stop being her BFF. She smiles a small smile and says "Ok Steff, for you. I will try." So I hold her even tighter and I run my fingers through her hair. I tell her she can come in if she wants but she says she has to go home because she told her parents she was going out for milk. So i tell her someday i want us to live together so she never has to go home because home would be with ME. and she says "You mean it?" and I reply "yes."

So now she is happier and I apologize for having to smack her but she needs to understand their are repercussions to deviant thoughts and words. She shakes her head yes and apologizes for her words and I tell her its ok. I hold her tighter and tell her i hate when she leaves and she admits that at night she falls asleep holding her pillow imagining it is me. That is so adorable!!! I ask her if she wants to see my pussy before she leaves and she says "can i?' and I say "yes" so she runs her hands under my miniskirt and goes to pull my thong down, but I taker her hands and guide them to my ass. She gets this look of surprise on her face but I just smile at her. She starts caressing my ass, running her hands all up and down it. She runs her hands between my ass cheeks and I whisper "lower" and she moves her fingers lower until her fingers at right at my hole. I whisper "go ahead" and she slowly massages my hole with her finger. It feels really good and i moan softly. She spreads my ass cheeks with her hands and I can feel my hole gape as she exposes it. she runs her fingers to the edge of it and pulls it open as far as she can as I moan softly. She runs her hands to the front of my thong and pulls it down, exposing my pussy which is now dripping wet. she lifts my miniskirt up so she can see it and i take her hand and guide it to just outside my pussy, so she can feel how wet I am.she massages me there, right on the edge of my pussy as I breathe heavy in her ear. Finally she stops and smiles at me and we embrace again. she whispers "I have to go, parents will get suspicious."

So she gets in her car and leaves and here I am writing this. I had to set her straight and I WILL break her of her lesbian immorality. Once I do, she will be without any immoral desires.

Thanks for reading!

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