Tuesday, September 26, 2017


So I went to Bakah's house to meet her folks and she has this gorgeous pitbull puppy named Snidely. OMG he is so freaking CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, it was a fun time meeting Bekah's folks. I didn't realize though how poor they really are. Bekah doesn't like to talk about it, and I can see why. There is a lot of poverty in this area with that asshole Obama nearly destroying the coal industry, but thanks to Trump it is slowly coming back. Bekah's dad is a miner and has been out of work for 2 years but he got a call from the Union that the mine is opening back up in 2 months and he will have his job back so thank God!!

As she drove me home Bekah sad her dad pulled her aside and asked if I was from "around here". She had to explain to him that my dad hired me a vocal coach so I would lose my accent. She said her dad understood and that he wished he could have hired one for her so Bekah wouldn't have to face the same stereotype my dad did. So I told her I could help her and teach her how to talk like me so she wouldn't sound so "mountain folk".

She said she would like that. I told her I found her accent cute so it didn't bother me, but if it made her feel better about herself I would help her. she was all "This is why you are so wonderful, you are always looking out for me" and I replied "Well duh, you are my BFF, I put your happiness above everything else. It is my job to boost you up and help you be the best person you want to be."

So she says "I want you to know I take that ring very seriously. Like literally, there will be no one else for me but you. Only you will fill my time and my life. I mean it." So I tell her "Pull over there and park the car." And she is all "Why?" and I am all "OMG just do it."

So she pulls over and parks and I undo her seat belt and pull her into my seat. I hug her tight and just run my fingers through her hair. She sighs and rests her head against my chest and closes her eyes. So i say "That ring means to me that I give myself to you and only you." So hold her tighter and I say softly "Bekah, you need to know. You will do all those things to me what youve been wanting to do. You will eat my pussy and finger me. And I am going to do the same to you. it IS going to happen, you just have to be patient with me until I am comfortable. But I swear, it is going to happen."

So she looks at me and smiles and I lean in and we kiss. We kiss for a long time, passionately, lovingly.

She drives me home and we pull into my driveway. I kiss her again and I thank her for the ride and the day. she leans her head back and smiles and says "You are more than welcome."

So now I am waiting for dad to finish dinner and I have an assload of homework to do! BAH!

Thanks for reading!

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