Wednesday, October 11, 2017

NIGGA PLEASE!!!!!!!!!! we have this new student at my high school, who apparently transferred here because his school's football team was disbanded because they school can't afford it. Really the only reason WE still have a team is because my dad donated a shitload of money to fund the program because he loves football AND he knew I wanted to be on cheer squad.

Actually the only reason my school has a lot of ANYTHING is because my dad paid for a lot of it. They should rename our school after him.

Anyway, back tot he story. So this new kid transfers in and he is big, like 6 foot 250 pound and he is a junior. AND he is a negro.


So I am walking though the halls between classes just minding my own business when I hear "Hey babygirl you is a damn angel" and I look up and lo and behold its that fucking pavement ape. I roll my eyes and just keep walking but he starts following me all "Hey hold up I'm just being friendly, I'm new here gnomesayin? I just lookin to be friends yo." Well I am not in the mood for this shit so I stop and look him in the eye and say "Listen, you need to understand something. My dad paid for everything on the football team. Like everything. The equipment, the uniforms, the workout room, the bus, all of it. And you are in the process of pissing off his precious only daughter. You do realize what could happen right?"

And this black fool has the most stupid look on his face. Like his ape like brain couldn't process the information. and all he can say back is "Hold up, what you be meanin?"

And I reply "Oh, I am sorry I don't speak niggerese" and I walk away while he has the most confused look on his face.

So lunch time rolls around and I am sitting there trying to enjoy my tater tots when big blackie comes into the lunch room all acting thugish and shit. Some of the girls are loving it...I guess because they are ho's and white trash and want to fuck a nigger to piss of their fathers.  Suddenly I feel arms on my shoulders and I am ready to spin around and go postal on someone when I see its Bekah and instead I laugh and hug her. She its next to me and is all "I have a minute before class and I wanted to say hi!"

I want to kiss her but I know I can;t here. So I tell her about that black retard and how he was trying to chat me up. Bekah gets this look on her face that I have never seen before, it was pure evil. Seriously it was like her eyes turned black and she grew fangs and started drooling venom. She says "I'll be back in a sec" and she walks over to that gorilla and leans in and talks to him. Suddenly he is all waving his hands all apologetically and he looks scared as fuck. She walks back over to me and sits down and smiles and I am all "What the fuck did you say to that nigger?' and she replies "I told him you were mine, that only I got to nail that pussy, and if he ever talked to you again I would burn his house down, rape his parents, and fuck him in the ass with his cat."


I love this girl!
Thanks for reading!

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