Sunday, June 23, 2019


So Bekah and I saw Godzilla King of the Monsters last night and it was AWESOME!!! I LOVE Godzilla and it was a great film! Very heavy on the monster fighting action, which the last film lacked. Godzilla looked great and King Ghidorah was scary as all hell. Mothra was beautiful and Rodan was his usual goofy self just like in the old films.

I wore a hell cute outfit, because I am hella cute! My miniskirt was very short and Bekah was all "OMG Steff that skirt is too short" and I was all "STFU Bekah I will wear what I want!"
I am concerned because Bekah has been wearing more and more lesbianish style of clothing. For a while she was dressing normal like me, but lately she has reverted back to her jeans, flannel, and baseball cap.

In the theater I made it a point to snuggle up to her and open my legs but she was all "Steff you are on your period" and I was all "So?" and she was all "It's just it could know...messy"


So I told her its not like I expected as to have sex in the theater but the last she could do was rub my pussy through my maxi pad....ugh...she can be so difficult sometimes.

So after the movie I jumped her in the car and gave her a huge hickey on her neck and she was all "OOWWW Steff what the fuck are you a vampire?"

so I said to her "You are dressing too much like a tomboy recently you need to stop and go back to dressing like me" and she was all like "I just like wearing what I am comfortable in."

So I look at her in the eyes and say "Bekah, if you don't start dressing like a normal NON LESBIAN girl I will beat the fuck out of you."

She got all quiet and lowered her head and said "I'm sorry I'll try harder."


She? sometimes she just needs to have the correct way of thinking hammered home!

Thanks for reading!


Saturday, June 22, 2019

I am back! Yay!!!

After a long time. I am back! I have been very busy and was concentrating on other things, but now I have some free time again! Yay!
Here are some updates:

I graduated High School!
Bekah and I went to the Prom together
I have been helping out one day a week at a Vet's office
Working again washing cars.
Bekah and I are going camping for a whole week alone..omg yay!
Bessie is still lazy and cute
Dad is still awesome and is the best dad ever!!!!
I am still cute and positive!

So that is my update. Bekah and I are going to see the new Godzilla movie tonight! I love Godzilla! I am going to wear a really short miniskirt even though I am on my period because I want to tease Bekah and show her my panties with my pad in muahahahaha

Thanks for reading!
