Thursday, January 9, 2020

Long time but back


I really have let my attention get away from this blog, which is bad but I have been so busy with college and stuff. My days are busy and my nights and weekends are busier spending quality time with Bekah.

Christmas was nice. I was home for it with Bekah and the house was all decorated and it snowed! yay!

I got Bekah some nice NON LESBIAN looking clothes, which she really needs to start wearing more of. I also got her loads of thongs and a big bag of Starburst Jelly beans,

Bekah is poof as fuck so I never expect much from her, which I have told her I am ok with because she is poor as fuck and I don't care. But she outdid herself and got me some sweet new video games I have wanted and a new pair of Beats headphones.

The big winner, as usual, was Bessie, my basset hound, who got a huge rawhide bone from me, dad, and Bekah. Bessie was so happy to see me and I miss her when I am at college I wish I could take her with me but dad said she would get lonely in the apartment.

Bekah and I live together in an apartment off campus that dad pays for. Its beautiful and living with Bekah is a dream come true because I get to fall asleep in her arms every night and I can jump her and sex her up whenever I want.

Bekah goes to online college at that Phoenix Edu thing and works at Gamestop. I keep telling her I would pay for her online college but she refuses. OMG so hardheaded.

Thats about all for  now, I will write again in a few days!


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