Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Dear tcbaker777.....

Hello tcbaker777!

Just an FYI, this blog does NOT violate ANY rules or Terms of Service. Just because YOU have a personal issue with me being a female gamer who schooled your ass in World of Warships does NOT mean you can take your sexist harassment of me off of the game and to here by filing false abuse reports with Google.

Just because you seem to have a hatred of female gamers, especially teen age ones like myself, does not mean you can throw your (probably huge) weight around here mister!

Harassment against female gamers is very common on the internet, usually from fat neckbearded basement dwellers who are compensating for their lack of "manhood" by attacking female gamers.

And BTW, the fact that I am UNDERAGE and you are harassing and bullying me sets YOU up for LEGIT trouble at World of Warships, so you need to re-think your harassment of me before it gets YOU into serious legal trouble. My Dad seriously will unleash legal genocide on you, he has the money and the lawyers to do step back.

It is a shame that in today's enlightened society, we still find sexist, misogynist clam clowns like tcbaker777 trying to spread their toxicity and hatred, it truly is sad.

Thanks for reading!

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