Thursday, June 29, 2017

Morning musings

Just some random stuff as I start my day:

Why are they called English Muffins? They are not muffins and they are not English!

Why does the filling in a Pop Tart get hotter WITH icing on the outside than without?

Old people really like to get up early in the morning. I was up at 7am to do yoga and there were already old people walking around outside with their dogs.

Why do certain groups of society need "special rights" when all rights for everyone are already guaranteed in the US Constitution?

How can a 4 year old child get approved for "transgender" hormone treatment when you can't drink till you are 21, join the military and kill people until you are 18, drive until you are 17, have sex legally until you are makes no sense.

If Lucky is so concerned about people stealing his Lucky Charms why doesn't he buy a gun?

That is all for now, I will update as the day goes on. Going to wash cars today, have a nice cute outfit all set to go!

Thanks for reading!

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