Thursday, June 29, 2017

Our house is too big

I think our house is way too big for just me and dad. Sometimes I can't find dad even though I KNOW he is home, that is how big the house is! The dog will go missing all day even though I KNOW she is somewhere in the house.

Our house is 8000 sq foot. And it is just me, dad, and the dog. When I was very young dad and I would play hide and seek in the house and and I could never find him.

I asked dad why we have such a big house when it is just the two of us and he said it is because he bought it as a foreclosure from some ex NBA player and got a very good deal on it. He said he also had to "de-ghettoize" it, whatever that means. That probably explains why I remember we didn't move into it until like 4 months after I first saw it on the day dad bought it.

I have always been nervous that dad bought such a big house because he planned on marrying and have MORE kids but he says that isn't true....which I hope not because I don't want to share him with anyone. And any woman he meets NOW will only want his money anyway (I think he knows that, which is why he isn't dating anyone).

My cousin thinks that he is waiting until I am 18 before he dates again...I hope not, the thought of some woman with dad makes me sick to my stomach. I mean, if he met some nice wholesome Christian woman that was obviously very pure and didn't care about the money (and signed an iron clad pre-nup) and didn't have kids (and wasn't ugly or fat) then I guess it would sorta kinda be ok (I would NEVER call her mom though. I have gone 16 years without calling anyone mom and I don't intend to start now).

She would have to be cute though, I would not want to share this house with an ugly person.

Anyway, all of this is beyond my control. Dad will do what he wants and I know this already, I can just hope for the best.

Thanks for reading!

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