Saturday, July 1, 2017

Another day of cuteness and positivism incoming!

Good morning! OMFG it is already 90 degrees here and it is only like 9am. Thank God for A/C, I do not know how poor people in 3rd world countries live without it.

Speaking of poor, those neckbearded pedo's tcbaker777 and Chobittsu are still snooping around my blog and WOWS forum profile. It is disgusting that grown men are bullying an under aged girl like me, but I guess their lives are so full of vulgarity and hate that they feel the need to lash out.

I was thinking of telling my dad what has been happening and showing him all the posts and private messages from these two, but I know how dad will react: he will forbid me to play the game and will get his lawyer to subpoena World of Warships for tcbaker777 and Chobittsu's real names and information and then press charges against them for harassment. I am tempted to do it, because usually someone who bullies or harasses women (especially under aged ones) online are more prone to committing acts of physical violence against women and children in the "real world". I can only imagine how many young girls these two sexual predators have already attacked.

But I don't want to stop playing the game. I could have my friends on Voat dox the two of them and handle it there, but I don't know if it is worth my time.

Anyway, enough of that. Today I am back at the car wash! I didn't have to go in today but I actually like washing cars there because I get to dress up cute, be out in the sun, get a good workout, and make money! I am thinking of calling that nice woman I met yesterday who said I could come over and scissor with her. I still don't get WHY she wants to do arts and crafts with me, but it sounds creative and fun so I may ask dad if I can go over.

Anyway, that is all for now. I will post more later!

Thanks for reading!


  1. Two girls scissoring together normally means something other than arts and crafts, ya know....Probably best to look into that offer a little closer, or change up the way you're presenting it to us.

    1. Really??? Ok i will look into it. I thought she meant making like arts and crafts and stuff. Thanks.
