Saturday, July 1, 2017

Well I dodged a bullet!

Today I worked at the car wash for 8 hours. It was hard but fun and it was very sunny! I made $85 in tips plus my pay so I made mad mad bank! I am off tomorrow and I think I will relax poolside.

So the bullet I dodged was with that woman who gave me her phone number the other day. She was very friendly with me and she was hella pretty so I thought I made a new friend. She invited me over to her house to "scissor" which I assumed meant arts and crafts.....but it seems it does NOT MEAN THAT AT ALL!!!

Thanks to an alert anon reader of the blog, I was pointed to the interwebz to see what "scissor" really meant as far as SHE was meaning it.

I am not a prude, I am very aware of sexual things about myself and others. Just because I do NOT want any physical contact with either sex doesn't mean I don't feel any desire or curiosity, I just don't act upon it because I am better than that. That being said, I have no desire to "scissor" this woman and I have no plans to contact her.

I will admit, I am very flattered she found me attractive enough to proposition me. Usually when I am hit on it is very crude and vulgar. At least she was not vulgar about it, and in a way I respect her honesty at propositioning me. It is just something that, as a 16 year old, I am into. I am not into sexual or physical contact with either sex, even though I am very aware of sexuality in people.

Anyway, its a beautiful cool night and I am going to sit outside with the dog on the deck and look at the stars and listen to some music. Dad is working on some Op-Ed thing, but I am sure he will join me on the deck when he is done.

Thanks for reading!

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