Saturday, July 15, 2017

Rank 11!

Yay! I am now Rank 11 on World of Warships! This is the highest rank I have ever achieved and I am very happy to have made it. My faithful Bayern has been kicking all sorts of ass and I am very comfortable with it. Going into rank, I thought my main ships would be my Duca or Budy, I wasn't planning on using a BB for ranked as I am a better cruiser captain. But my Bayern has been performing near flawlessly while my 2 cruisers got stomped, so I am sticking with my Teutonic  wrecking machine all through ranked this season.

Dad and I had a "discussion" today. He sat me down and said to me:

"I am just curious, but you never seem to want to hang out with your school friends or go on dates or anything. Is everything ok? I mean at school or in your life?"

I told him I was perfectly fine and that between fencing practice, the car wash, and yoga/tai chi I didn't have time to "hang out".

I then told him the truth about why I do not date (I knew he was going to eventually ask me). I told him flat out the thought of having any sort of physical or sexual contact with someone made me physically sick to my stomach and that I found the idea of it disgusting. He asked me if anything had happened to me that he didn't know about (I am pretty sure he was asking me if someone molested or touched me) and I told him NO, and that if it ever had happened I would have run screaming to him so he could kill them.

He said it was ok if I don't want to date but that healthy physical relationships with a loving partner in marriage is ok and that I shouldn't be disgusted by it. I told him i didn't care, that I found it gross and that at this stage in my life this is how I feel. Maybe someday if I met the right person it would change, but right now I am perfectly happy with who I am and what I do. So he smiled and hugged me and said I was his perfect angel and that he loved me. I told him I will always be his little girl and I loved him more than anything.

I am so glad I have such a healthy relationship with dad. We talk a lot and there is never any hidden things or topics out of bounds. It WAS hilarious though when I got my first period he had my Aunt come over to explain it all to me because he was too embarrassed to do it himself hahahahaha!

Anyway, off to bed!

Thanks for reading!


  1. Yay congratz on reaching rank 11, you're really lucky to have a laid back dad, not often a dad allows her 16 yr old daughter to go dating.

  2. I am rank 10 now! :) Dad is laid back, but he trusts me because I have no secrets from him, I do not lie, and because of this fact he gives me a lot of freedom most girls my age don't get. And I am not dating anyone, and I do not want to. All guys want is sex and I will not let anyone touch me.
