Friday, July 7, 2017

Ugliness at the car wash

So I worked today at the car wash for a few hours. Today I looked EXTRA hella cute because my cutoff shorts were pink and I had on a light blue half shirt (sleeveless) and my pink converse. I wanted to look extra cute today because...well because I CAN.

So a few hours into work this Acura pulled up. It was black and had these really ugly gold spinner rims and freaking GOLD window tint. Of course you could hear the "THUMP THUMP THUMP" of the sub woofer in the trunk blasting out the usual rap-crap shit-hop stuff that some people listen to. Out of the car gets 4 20 something year old black guys...pants halfway down their asses, gold grills, LA Lakers shirts on, stupid vulgar gold chains. And they are all "Yo dawg this car needs to be cleaned". So the main wash guy quotes their price and moves the car to the cleaning area and me and another girl get to work washing the exterior down. And OF COURSE these morons are all leering at me making comments under their breath and acting all gangsta and thug and stuff. I just roll my eyes and wash the car. I KNOW they are looking at my ass and my tits (I mean, who wouldn't to be honest) and they were being very blatant about it.

So we finish washing the car and it gets moved to the dry area and I go to swap out my wash rags and get ready for the next car and they come up to me and are all "YO baby girl you is fine why da fuck you working here?" and I said "Because my Dad, who by the way I live with, thinks it is good for me to work and I happen to like it" (I made the Dad comment because I know guys like this don't know who the fuck their father's are)

And they were all "Damn baby girl you should come with us, we party more fine than working at a damn car wash". And I reply, "No thanks, I like to keep with my own kind"

And they got ALL bent out of shape with that remark, like a mixture of angry and confused with a combination of laughter. One of them said "Damn girl wat da fuq you mean, 'your own kind'?"
And I said, "You know, MY KIND" and I walked away from them. They kept looking at each other saying shit, I think they are used to women just rolling with whatever BS they say and not talk back.

Let me be crystal clear: I do NOT date ANYONE. Men, women, white, black, whatever.....NO ONE. I am NOT interested in it, I don't want it, I don't need it, and I am NOT looking for it. And IF I was, it would be WITH MY OWN KIND. And yes, I mean EXACTLY what you think I mean. I am proud to admit it.

We have to secure a future for ourselves, and we cannot if we do not stick together.

And that is all I will say about that!

Thanks for reading!

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