Friday, September 29, 2017

The weekend is here

So it is Friday and finally the weekend is here! We have a football game tomorrow and we are playing the defending state champs and that means will are going to get destroyed. Oh well, cheer squad will cheer out best like we always do!

Bekah was over today after I got home from school. she can go back Monday since her suspension is over. No one at school has said anything so far. So I talked to Bekah about it. I told her "I thought we agreed you were NOT a sinful lezbo anymore! WHY did you tell the principal you were?" and she was all "I didn't, I said what if I was a lesbian!" And I was all "Well my dad heard it as you admitting you were a crazed lezbo and now he suspects something is going on between us!" And she got all quiet and was all "And what did you say?" And I said "Nothing, he said he doesnt care what is going on, just to be careful and be ready for any stupid opinions or ideas of others."

So Bekah says "Why didn't you tell him about us?" And I was all "OMG Bekah tell him what? We are BFFs! He knows that!" And Bekah says "No i mean about what we do" And I roll my eyes and I am all "Oh yeah I am going to tell my dad we rub our pussies together all the time. Seriously Bekah, stop thinking like a sinful lezbo for a second. He probably already know what we do and he obviously doesn't mind so why bring it up?" And she gets all quiet and says "yeah, I guess so"

OH MY GOD she can be such a drama queen.

So I am all "Bekah, my dad has always trusted my judgement on everything, Why do you think he leaves us alone up here? He knows I am safe and I am ok. And he trusts you too or else you wouldnt be allowed to be with his precious baby daughter right?" And Bekah smiles and is all "Yeah. that is true."

So I climb up on her and sit on her lap with my legs around her waist and i put my arms around her and smile.

" were saying something the other day about my tits?"

She laughs and reaches under my shirt and lifts it off of me. She undos my bar and throws it to the floor. She looks at my tits and I say softly "Go ahead, I want this."

She bends her head to my tits and starts kissing them. she sucks on my nipples, taking them all the way into her mouth. I feel like electricity is shooting from my tits to my pussy and I lean my head back and moan softly as she kicks, bites, licks, and sucks at my tits for over an hour. I cradle her head in my hands like I am breastfeeding her and it feels so good, it feels like such an intimate bond.

I kiss her deeply and I left her shirt and pull her bra off. I am nervous but I lean in and take her tits in my mouth, I start kissing and sucking and licking them all over. She moans softly "oh God" as I go to town on her tits for a long time. We kiss deeply over and over again.

I want to undress her and rub ourselves together till we cum, but she has to go home. She gets dressed and I walk her to her car and kiss her goodnight. I know I will see her tomorrow but it hurts to watch her drive away.

I miss her already,

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Diversity? More like BRAINWASHING!

So today we had that stupid school wide diversity assembly. Supposedly the whole point of this waste of time was to explain how great diversity really is and other such total bullshit.

First off, I couldn't sit with Bekah because I am a junior and she is a senior, so that put me in a mood. I didn't want to come to school today but dad said I had to. OMG whatever.

So we file into the auditorium and the presentation begins. So person...I couldn't tell if it was a guy or a girl, comes out and introduces itself and starts to talk about how different people are and how many great things there are about diversity and sharing other cultures and stuff. This person brought out a woman who apparently is a Muslim and she was wearing some sort of headscarf and she started talking about her culture and Islam and crap. She asked if anyone had any questions so i raised my hand and she was all happy to call on me. So I stood up and I asked:

"If Islam is so great and enlightened, how come women are not allowed out in public without a male family member to escort them? And why can't women drive in most Islamic nations or have the right to vote or get an education? And why, if Islam is SO great are you forced to wear that ridiculous scarf?"

so the whole auditorium got real quiet and I can see a few of the teachers all freaking out and a few of them smiling and trying not to laugh. So this woman stutters and says "It is a different culture" and I cut her off and say "It sounds oppressive as hell to me, and doesn't your Koran prescribe mandatory death for homosexuality, adultery, alcohol consumption and so forth?"

My teacher comes running over and tells me to sit down. The woman is trying to avoid the question so I yell out "If you cannot defend your religion or culture from a few questions from a teenager than it really doesn't sound all that great to me!" A bunch of students start applauding and I am all happy.

Then I hear her.


She is standing up and yelling "I want to know WHY Islam mandates death for homosexuals. I want to know WHY we should celebrate and accept this diversity when all it seems like it is doing is bringing death and oppression!"

The students all start cheering and another one stands up and says "Yeah, some people in this country may not like homosexuals or think they are disgusting, but even they would never KILL one! As a matter of fact, I think most people who think homosexuals are sinful would defend one from being killed by your Islamic death cult!"

The whole auditorium erupts in cheers and applauding. Some of the teachers are yelling at us to shut up while most are keeping quiet and smiling in approval. The Principal has his head in his hands and the people giving the presentation look like they want to die. The Muslim woman looks angry beyond belief and screams out "INFIDELS THIS IS WHY WE WILL WIN!!" and slams her microphone down. The whole student assembly starts chanting "USA USA USA"

It was glorious.

Of course, there is a price to be paid. Dad gets called into school. So does Bekah's parents and the parents of the boy also stood up and yelled. All 3 of our parents are in with the Principal while we are kept in 3 separate rooms. Finally dad comes into my room and sits down.

"Steffanie, you won't be getting into any trouble. They know better than to do anything to you because of me, but I wasn't able to save Bekah or that other boy."

So I am all "What did they do to Bekah?" Dad says she is suspended for 2 days and the boy for 2 days as well. he tried to get them both off the hook but they flat out told him they know they can't touch me so they will punish them.

As we are leaving the boy (his name is Tim) and his parents walk by. He looks and me and smiles and says "Totally worth it Steff!" and I laugh and give him a thumbs up.

So Bekah and her parents walk up to us and I don't even care anymore. I rush forward and throw myself into her arms and hold her. I whisper "That was awesome!" She smiles and says "Yeah, it was pretty cool." Bekah's parents don't say a word to me and practically drag her away. She shoots me a glance of sadness and I am all confused.

As we are leaving I asked dad if he thought something was wrong with Bekah. We get into the car and he sighs and says "Steff, I don't know how to tell you this. But while we were in there they pulled Bekah and Tim in to find out WHY they did what they did. Tim said it was because his brother is in Afghanistan and he hates Muslims. Bekah said she did it because she is a lesbian."

Uh oh.

He continues "Look Steff, I know you two are spending a lot of time together, and I know you got really close with her really fast. I don't care what you do, I trust your judgement. Just remember, there will be a lot of people who will look at you and her with hatred and anger. I won't always be able to protect you, so you both need to learn to protect each other."

I don't know what to say so I just keep quiet as he drives.

After a while he says "I like Bekah, you and her are like peas in a pod. You both compliment each other's personalities and styles. What one lacks, the other makes up for. I think you both have a long happy time ahead with each other. But we need to get ready for something."

And I am all "What do we have to get ready for?"
And dad says "Her parents did not take it well. They are livid. Beyond angry. And they are probably going to throw her out of the house. And when they do, we will take her in."
And I am all "We are?" and he says "Yes, we are."

I start crying and I lean into dad and hug him as he is driving. And I just cry all the way home.

So dad is now arranging one of the upstairs bedrooms. I am hoping they do not throw her out. Now everyone at school will know what she is or was or whatever.

And they will probably suspect something about us.

I don't know if I am ready for this. I am only 16. But I will try.

she is worth it.

Thanks for reading!

Little White Mouse?!?! More like Big Fat Whore!!!!

So on WOWS there is this elitist supertester/community contributor who calls herself 'Little White Mouse'. she forum spams constantly, if you look at the amount of posts she makes a day you wonder how this bitch has a real life job!

She is always reviewing ships, which means WOWS gives her free crap all the time. She is also protected by forum admins like the corrupt liberal SJW Niko Power (a Jew). Basically anyone who cares question her reviews is forum banned. She also has a cultish loyal following of people who will defend her at all costs and basically worship at her fat cankles. People refer to it as 'The Cult of the Mouse'.

She thinks she is hot shit because of her 'celebrity status' on the forums, but since WOWS own surveys prove that only 10% of the entire playerbase even reads the forums, she is in reality, a big fat nobody. She is also morbidly obese, which explains why she can post all the time since she cannot work outside her home. She is probably leeching off Canada's welfare system (like her pedo friend Chobittsu), which is ok with me since I live in the USA so my dad's tax money isn't supporting her fat lard ass.

She always likes to gloat about her free ships she gets from WOWS, which pisses people off to no end. She also has a reputation in game of being a crybaby who screams when she gets sunk, accusing others of hax and threatening to get them banned. There have been screencaps posted on 4chan showing her verbally abusing her own team mates for not protecting her and threatening to have Niko Power ban them. People think there is something weird going on between her and Niko because there should be no way she isn't banned for her behavior unless Niko is protecting her.

Anyway, her real name is April Roberts. That is public info if you know where to look BTW.

Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Awww :)

Bekah just sent me this and said it was totally us:

OMG it looks like us!!! Yay!!! I love it, I am going to make it my laptop wallpaper.

She is SO adorable!!! I am so happy the universe brought us together!

Thanks for reading!


So I went to Bakah's house to meet her folks and she has this gorgeous pitbull puppy named Snidely. OMG he is so freaking CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, it was a fun time meeting Bekah's folks. I didn't realize though how poor they really are. Bekah doesn't like to talk about it, and I can see why. There is a lot of poverty in this area with that asshole Obama nearly destroying the coal industry, but thanks to Trump it is slowly coming back. Bekah's dad is a miner and has been out of work for 2 years but he got a call from the Union that the mine is opening back up in 2 months and he will have his job back so thank God!!

As she drove me home Bekah sad her dad pulled her aside and asked if I was from "around here". She had to explain to him that my dad hired me a vocal coach so I would lose my accent. She said her dad understood and that he wished he could have hired one for her so Bekah wouldn't have to face the same stereotype my dad did. So I told her I could help her and teach her how to talk like me so she wouldn't sound so "mountain folk".

She said she would like that. I told her I found her accent cute so it didn't bother me, but if it made her feel better about herself I would help her. she was all "This is why you are so wonderful, you are always looking out for me" and I replied "Well duh, you are my BFF, I put your happiness above everything else. It is my job to boost you up and help you be the best person you want to be."

So she says "I want you to know I take that ring very seriously. Like literally, there will be no one else for me but you. Only you will fill my time and my life. I mean it." So I tell her "Pull over there and park the car." And she is all "Why?" and I am all "OMG just do it."

So she pulls over and parks and I undo her seat belt and pull her into my seat. I hug her tight and just run my fingers through her hair. She sighs and rests her head against my chest and closes her eyes. So i say "That ring means to me that I give myself to you and only you." So hold her tighter and I say softly "Bekah, you need to know. You will do all those things to me what youve been wanting to do. You will eat my pussy and finger me. And I am going to do the same to you. it IS going to happen, you just have to be patient with me until I am comfortable. But I swear, it is going to happen."

So she looks at me and smiles and I lean in and we kiss. We kiss for a long time, passionately, lovingly.

She drives me home and we pull into my driveway. I kiss her again and I thank her for the ride and the day. she leans her head back and smiles and says "You are more than welcome."

So now I am waiting for dad to finish dinner and I have an assload of homework to do! BAH!

Thanks for reading!

Monday, September 25, 2017

Yay for cuteness and positive vibes!!!

So Bekah piucks me up for school and OMFG she is wearing an outfit we picked out yesterday at Nordstrom!! She has her hair down and is wearing the BFF ring I gave her and she looks SO pretty like a model! she is smiling like crazy when I get in the car and she is all "Well? Do I look good?" and I am all "OMFG!!" and I hug her tight and put my hands on her face and say "You look stunning" and I miss her. She smiles and says "Thats a great way to start the day"

So we drive to school and she is telling me how her parents were all "you look different, it's a great look, its about time you dress more like a girl" and so on and so on. So we get into school and I see everyone checking her out and my blood pressure shoots up like 900 points and I say to her "omfg I am going to cut all these people looking at you!" and she laughs and says "hey hey, you put a ring on it so it's yours" and I am all "yeah yeah but still, don't like them looking with immoral sinful lust in their eyes." and she is all "Well all they can do is look, you get to do whatever you want" and I realize she is right so I calm down.

So school is ok, time drags on like usual. I have cheer squad practice so I just assume I wont see Bekah till tomorrow but as we begin practice I look up and see her in the stands watching me. So I am all happy and practice goes by good.

Afterwards I get my bag and I meet Bekah in the parking lot and I am all "Hey, you didn't have to wait if you had stuff to do" and she says "I wanted to watch you, besides I got to keep an eye on you in case any lezbos go after your ass" and I start laughing and I am all "yeah well I don't know any lezbos anymore"

so we get to her car and start the trip back to my house. I am in my cheer squad outfit. I want to tease her so I open my legs a little and lift my miniskirt up a bit. Bekah smiles and starts rubbing my leg with her right hand. I lean the seat back to give her better access and she starts rubbing my inner thigh and massaging it. I say to her "That feels so good." and she replies "Next time we are alone I can kiss and bite your thighs" and i smile and say "you are just trying to get your mouth near my pussy aren't you?' and she says "Maybe". So I roll my eyes comically and say "Oh Bekah, you are just obsessed with eating me out" and she laughs and says "maybe."

So we get back to my house and I lean over and kiss her deep and passionately. We touch our heads together and she says quietly "I never thought we'd end up here. You have no idea how happy I am" and I reply softly "I didn't think so either, but it happened and I am so glad it did." We kiss again and I whisper "Ill call u later" and I get out of my car and into  my house.

I will write more later, I need to shower.
Thanks for reading!

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Mall day!

So I took Bekah to the mall today to go shopping. Well, she took me cause she drove. We parked and get out of the car and I took her hand and said "We are going to Nordstrom and Victoria's Secret" and Bekah is all "What? I can't afford that stuff" and I am all "OMG I am paying for it so hush" and she is all "Steff I cant have you do that it isn't right" and I roll my eyes and I am all "Bekah I have like a lot of spending money. Even after i buy myself stuff I have a lot leftover going to waste that I would just use to buy shit I dont need. NOW I can spend it on someone I care about and make them happy so just deal with it." And she laughs and says "Well ok but I will make it up to you."

So we walk into the mall and we are still holding hands she is says "You want to keep holding hands? I mean, I like it but are you ok with it in public?" And I roll my eyes AGAIN and I say "omg dont be a drama queen. I want to hold hands, plus I want any lezbos we see to know to stay the fuck away from you. I heard lezbos just know each other and I want to make sure they know you are off limits."

She laughs and says "yeah we have Lezdar, its lesbian radar".

so I take her first to Nordstrom and I find Alissa, my personal shopper and she is all "Hi Steffanie, what can I do for you today?" and I say "Alissa, this is Bekah and she is a lesbian and I want to buy her stuff that makes her looks less lesbian and more like a normal girl." Bekah facepalms and Alissa is all ", less lesbian you say?"

WTF is everyone deaf?

"Yeah just less tomboyish, you know, the jeans and flannel and baseball cap and more miniskirts and matching tops and stuff. I don't know, YOU are the fashion consultant!"

Alissa looks at Bekah and Bekah shrugs her shoulders and then Alissa is all "Well ok, lets go look at some stuff."

3 hours and 500 dollars later we are done and Bekah has the foundation of a great new feminine wardrobe. At first she was all hesitant but the more she tried stuff on, the more she smiled and it was like she transformed as she tried on her new clothes. She came out of the dressing room wearing this one piece very pale green outfit I picked out and she looked at herself in the mirror and she was just staring at her reflection. So i came up behind her and put my hands on her shoulders and rested my head on her and said "Well?" and she said softly "I've never looked at myself and thought "Wow" before until now. I mean, its like I am seeing myself for the first time as a woman." So I kiss her on the cheek and say "Now you see yourself like I see you." and she turns and looks at me and I can see tears in her eyes and she says "really?"

So I lean in and kiss her softly on the lips and say "Yes."

SO I just had my very first kiss EVER in the changing room at Nordstrom and it was with a girl. Who would have thought. I guess it's all downhill from here! (j/k)

So we go to Victoria's Secret and I am all "Ok Bekah you need thongs. That is what i wear, it is what women should wear. No more of the boys boxer short underwear ok?" And she says "Ok but what happens when I am on my period?" And I reply" They have thongs for that too, and just wear a pad with it." and she is all "I use tampons" and I say "Ok you USED to use tampons, NOW you use pads, like me. Ok?" And she says "Ok."

So she picks out like a bunch of thongs and I pick some out for her and an hour later we are done and walking through the mall with her haul. We stop to get sushi and chat and she is all thanking me and saying she will pay me back and I am not having ANY of that so I tell her NO and she can pay me back from trying to be a normal girl and not a sinful lezbo.

So then she says the following:

"You kissed me". And I say "yeah, and?" she she is all "I am just surprised, you said that was off limits.' And I reply "I never said it was off limits, it just had to happen under my terms and under MY conditions." and she looks at me and says "Are you going to kiss me again?" And I reply "Maybe, that is up to me. More than likely yes, if it feels right." And she says "What about other things?" And I say "If you mean eating me out or fingering me or me doing that to you, THAT is still off limits. For now."
And she gets this look on her face and says "For now?' And I say "Yeah a girl can change her mind can't she? And if it DOES happen, IF being the key word, it will be under MY terms, in MY time and MY conditions. And IF it happens it doesn't equate to being a lesbian."

I guess he knows better than to question me now because she says "Ok, I can understand that. But, what about your breasts?" And I say "What about them? Aren't they awesome!" And she laughs and says "Yes, they are awesome, I want to kiss and suck them but you didn't mention it as off limits so I am confused." And I grind and say "It isn't off limits, I am surprised you havent done that to me yet and to be honest I was beginning to think you didn't want to suck them"

She she laughs LOUD and says "You mean I could have been sucking your tits the whole time and I didn't?" And I laugh and say "Yup".

So we drive back to my house so she can drop me off. she thanks me for all of the clothes. I tell her I have one more thing for her. I reach into my bag and pull out a small box and tell her to open it. She opens it and sees what I bought her. It is a pure silver BFF ring with two stones in it, one jade green and one aqua blue. The matching ring is the same but has the stones on opposite sides as the other ring. She looks at me and I say "these are BFF rings. We both wear them and it signifies our bond" So I place it on her finger and I tell her to place the other on mine. She does and she is all teary eyed.

So I lean in and kiss her. This time it is a real kiss, deep, long, and passionate. Our tongues dance as we kiss and it is so wonderful. FINALLY I have the BFF I always wanted. FINALLY I have someone (besides dad) I can trust 100%.

We break the kiss and she is all "Wow, unexpected." And I say "Always expect the unexpected."

I get out of the car and go inside and she drives away and I am now here writing this.

I am in a very happy place right now and it feels right.

Thanks for reading!

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Fall is here!

So Fall has started and it is already getting cooler where I live (I will not reveal where because my stalker, fat pedophile Chobittsu, would love that!). But trust me, its flannel shirts at night time already.

So we WON again today! Yay! I like to think its partly due to the awesome job cheer squad is doing (because we are! Duh), but honestly its probably because we have been playing scrub teams lately in High school Football. Next week we play the defending state champs and I gave a feeling we are going to get raped faster than a white girl in a black neighborhood.

So I was cheering today and dad was watching me like he always does. But I also see Bekah in the stands by herself and she sees me and smiles and I smile back and give her a wave. So after the game I  walk off the field and looks for her, I see her sitting in the stands and I walk up to her and she is all "hey!" and I just run up to her and grab her and hug her tights and she is all "whoah! hey! ha ha ha you miss me?" and I look her in the eyes and softly say "yes" and she looks at me and says "I missed you too."

SO I take her by the hand and lead her down the bleachers and go looking for dad. I keep holding her hand and I wont let it go. We find dad and I say "Hey! We won again!" and dad says "yeah that other team sucked, are they a special needs school?" and I am all "OMG stop it!" and we laugh. SO I am standing there holding Bekah's hand and dad says "How about us 3 go to Outback?" And I am all "OMFG REALLY!?!?! YES! BEKAH YES?" and Bekah laughs and says "Sure I can order a salad." and dad is all "a salad?" and I say "yes she is vegan or something but i will cure her of that too." and I squeeze her hand tight.

So Bekah says "I have to go home first, what time will we go?" and I say "Thats up to dad but I need to go home and shower and get dressed too." So dad says we can go to Outback at 5 and Bekah to come over so we can all go together. So I tell dad I will meet him at the car because I want to walk Bekah to hers.

So we walk to her car and we are still holding hands and we get to her car and she says "You seem rather happy today, it's nice." So i take a breath and I say "Bekah, I was serious yesterday when I said I didn't want anything to do with anyone else but you. I meant that. I want our bond to grow and get stronger, when I say we are BFFs I mean it, like literally forever." She gets this smile on her face and says "I meant what i said too, that I would do anything to keep you in my life, even if it means changing who I am or what i want. just to have you around."

So I throw myself at her and hold her tight and she hugs me. I whisper in her ear. "I wish we could be alone right now so i could give myself to you." "She whispers back "me too."

So we part and I drive home with dad and shower and change and Bekah shows up and we go to Outback and have a great time. As we are waiting on line ot get seated I take Bekah's hand and hold it and she smiles at me.

All is good in the world of Steffi

Thanks for reading!


I had to post this quick. Dad and Bekah and I are out Outback and look what I ordered!

The 35oz Tomahawk from Outback!!!!!

omg I am going to cum.....

Thanks for reading!

Friday night blues

So its late Friday night and I need to go to sleep but I want to do a blog entry first.

Bekah was over tonight and I wanted her to stay but she was all distant and stuff and I was like "omfg what now" to myself. So I asked her what was bothering her and she started going on how she is so confused because of the things we do together. I ask her what does she mean by that and she says all the times we are in bed naked and grinding our pussies together and everything else we do is messing with her head. So I am all "How the fuck is that messing with your head?" and she is all "Because I am a lesbian and while we are getting hot with each other I want to do more to you but you keep denying you are a lesbian even though we are always in bed naked, we always rub our pussies together, you let me lick your ass, I have kissed your neck and all how the hell is that NOT being a lesbian?"

So I look at her and I say "Remember what I said I would do to you if you ever thought this way again?" So I belt her across the face hard and she falls back onto my bed. I jump on her and straddle her and pin her arms down. I say to her "Listen Bekah, enough of your sinful lesbian ways ok? What you and I do is bonding as BFFs, there is nothing lesbianish about it. I give certain parts of myself to you because I know it makes you happy, it is MY way of showing you how much I care about you. But it in NO WAY means I am an immoral lezbo. Fuck, I give you such an intimate gift and you totally just trash it by calling it immoral WHAT THE FUCK is your problem?"

And she is under me all tears in her eyes and she is "Steffi please, I am so fucking confused my head and my heart are being ripped apart by your behavior." I just roll my eyes and pin her arms down harder, squeezing her wrists hard. I tell her "Listen Bekah, what we do is NOT lesbian ok? I do NOT find women attractive. I do NOT want to go and try and kiss or eat out or rub pussies with some bitch. I do what I do with YOU and YOU only, I have NO desire for women or men in general. I do what I do with you because I want to make YOU happy and you are seriously fucking it all up!!!!!".

But she is just crying and not answering. I can tell I am making NO headway into her crazed lesbian brain. I feel like kicking her out and just giving up on the whole BFF thing, But then I look at her underneath me. she looks so sad, so helpless. And she is so pretty. And we do have such a great time together and I love holding her and being held by her. I love our intimacy and how it binds us closer. So I decide right then and there I am going to have to fix this somehow. I get off of her and lay down next to her and she is all crying. I lay on my side and just stroke her hair and she turns into me and just wraps herself around me crying. I stroke her hair and kiss all over her face and tell her I love her and that she is my BFF and we will work everything out. I cradle her in my arms and rock her like a baby. Finally she stops crying and looks at me and says "I will do anything to stay your BFF even if it means not being a lesbian. I don't care about other women, I just want to be in your life." So i smile and I say "THAT is what I wanted to hear!" and I am so happy I hug her tight. I tell her I will research how to help people who dont want to be lezbo's anymore and we will break her immorality together.

So we lay there just holding each other. Eventually she falls asleep and around 10pm I wake her up because she has to be home by 10:30. I walk her to her car and hold her again and she drives home.

I need to help Bekah. i want her as my BFF forever. I need to break her immoral lesbian desires. I will begin tomorrow.

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Hump Day (literally)

So another Wednesday is in the books in the cute positive life that is Steffi.

We had ANOTHER Calculus test...omg I HATE will I need this crap for in my real life?!?!?!?!

Someone set off the fire alarms at school so we all had to go outside....omg....morons....thank God it wasn't raining.

I was watching all the news on Hurricane Maria destroying Puerto Rico. That is very sad all those people lost their stuff. That is why I am glad I live where I do, no hurricanes here!!

OMG one of the Senior boys asked me out today....WTF...he is on the track team and he was all "Hey Steffanie, how would you like to go out this weekend to dinner and a movie?'  OMG I am NOT having any of that shit so I was all "No thanks, I don't plan on dating anyone." And he says "Oh cmon, it will be harmless fun. Just a friend thing!" And I replied "Dude, I said NO. The fact you keep asking me after I said NO tells me you are a probable rapist."

So I went to see the Principal and he rolled his eyes at me AGAIN and sighed "What is it now Miss **REDACTED**?"

So I told him that boy was sexually harassing me and was probably a rapist and more than likely had drugs in his locker and he better get searched and suspended or else I will tell my dad. And he was all "Steffanie, asking a girl out on a date isn't exactly sexual harassment." So I told him he was a rapist enabler and that I would inform the school board.

I don't understand WHY these so called educated people do not care about rapists and bronies and furries in our high school.

So I was in my Sociology Class today and APPARENTLY we are having a school wide lecture next week by some group promoting Same Sex marriage and a whole bunch of other immoral deviant ideology. We were told attendance is mandatory........


No one can brainwash me and change MY beliefs!

So I wait outside for Bekah  and she shows up and I am all "Where were you? You are 5 minutes late!" And she is all "I am sorry i got to talking to my Sociology teacher about the lecture next week."
So I say "Yeah that is a bunch of total bullshit." So bekah looks at me and she is all "What do you mean?" So I tell her it will all be about BS nonsense like gay marriage and adoption, diversity, how whites are oppressive and other totally bullshit crap that isn't true. I tell her it is all the plan of the Jews to degenerate our society.

So she gets really quiet and is all "Lets go Steff."

So we get in the car and I am all "WTF is your problem? Why are you so quiet?" And she says "Steff, sometimes the things you say are...well, to me a bit shocking." OMG DRAMA QUEEN. So I say to her "What? It is all true! How can less than 1% of the population control our banks, entertainment industry, our legal system, our universities, everything. You know what it is called when a small segment of a society rules over the vast majority? APARTHEID. Ask Nelson Mandela how that worked out for him."

She shakes her head and just says "I love you to death but sometimes I don't understand you." I roll my eyes and I am all to myself "I don;t need this." So i turn on caring, nurturing Steffi. I lean over and put my head on her shoulder as she drives and I say to her "The fact we are so different is what makes us so close, its what makes us BFFs. Its a good thing." She sighs and says "Yeah I guess."

So i take my hand and start rubbing her leg as she drives and she has a small smile and says "higher up" SO I move my hand higher up her leg and rub it harder and she says "careful i dont want to crash."

So we get to my house and I see dad isn't home and I am all "WTF" and I check my messages and see i missed a text from him saying he was going to help his friend fix his truck and would be back by 7. SO I ask Bekah to come in and we go inside and I let Bessie out and then feed her.

Bekah and I go up to my room and she is all "You should try and be more flexible with things, like gay marriage, who cares what someones sex is if you love them?"

So I am all "Because it says in the bible not to do it. It is immoral and goes against nature." Bekah just sighs and says "I don't understand you sometimes." So I walk up to her and get behind her and start rubbing her shoulders and say "Like i said, our differences make us who we are." So she turns around and loos at me and says "I guess."

I hug her and she hugs me back and we just sort of stand there, holding each other. I run my hands down her back and then run them along the top of her shorts. I unbutton them and slowly pull her zipper down. I pull her shorts off and they fall to the floor. She puts her hands under my shirt and lifts it off of me and unhooks my bra, exposing my tits. She gently pulls my miniskirt off and I step out of it, leaving me in just my thong.

she gets behind me and kisses the back of my neck. She then kisses all down my back and spine. She gets on her knees behind me and kisses all down my sides and hips and up and down the back of my legs. She gently caresses my ass and I know what she wants to do. So I softly say "You can do it."

She begins kissing all over my ass, gently and softly. She licks all up and down my ass to the back of my knees and up again. She gently pulls my thong down and i step out of it. She Takes one hand and pushes down on the small of my back. I know what she wants me to do, and I am leery of it but I decide to go for it. I bend over slowly and brace myself on my bed. I spread my legs apart a bit and I am now totally exposed and open to her. she kisses and licks all up and down the back of my legs and up my ass. she takes her hands and softly opens my ass cheeks. she pulls them apart until my hole is exposed and gaping in front of her. She kisses all around the opening to my hole and licks softly. I fell my pussy getting soaking wet as she licks and nuzzles at my ass. I feel her stand up and hear her remove the rest of her clothes. She takes my hips in her hands and turns me around and gently pushes me onto my bed. I lean back and open my legs wide for her, inviting her to me. She gently mounts me and positions her pussy against mine. We both start grinding softly. she leans into me and kisses my neck as she grinds against me. I run my fingers down her back and wrap my legs around her waist.

We grind against each other for over and hour, my bed squeaking as we rock back and forth. She takes my legs and holds them back as far as she can as she grinds her pussy against mine. I lean up and kiss her all over her neck as we both approach our orgasms.

Finally we cant hold it back anymore and we both start to cum. We both cry out and moan loudly as we grind fast and fast against each other as wave after waves or our orgasms overcome us.

She collapses on top of me and I hold her tight. We lay there for a while, just enjoying the moment. I look at her and say "it gets better every time" and she smiles. We hold each other and after a while she says she has to go. We get dressed and she leaves...and now I am alone again.

Story of my life.

Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Oh the Drama

So bekah calls me and she is all "Steff I want to talk" and I am all "Of course!" and she is all "I need to come over so we can talk" so I say "sure!" So she comes over and texts me from the drive way and says "Can we talk outside?'

Oh  My God she is a total drama queen.

So I walk outside to her car and she is all leaning against the door and I say "whats up?" and she just starts blabbering about what we did yesterday and today and how it is fucking with her mind and emotions and she is all "how can we do the things we do but you will not go any further? please understand, I am not saying I dont love it, I do, and I get the whole 'bonding' thing...but Steff, what we do is exactly what lesbians do when they have sex. In my head, this is what it is and the fact you refuse to call it that or acknowledge what you are doing IS lesbianism is really fucking me up emotionally"

So I smack her right across the face, hard, like full force. It stung my hand. She staggers back and is holding her cheek and looks at me and has tears in her eyes and just says "Why?"

So I tell her "Bekah, being a lesbian is sinful and immoral. It is against God and the true Orthodox faith. What you and I do is bonding, an intimate form of bonding of love between two BFF's, NOT between two sex crazed lezbo dykes. A lesbian would stab you in the back and cheat on you in an instant, a BFF never will. A lesbian would hurt you, I never will. A lesbian would never really love you, I ALWAYS WILL"

And she just looks at me in total confusion and i can see I am NOT getting through to her.

So I say "Look, Bekah. I know your brain is corrupted by your deviant lesbian ways and you do not think straight sometimes, but it is ok, I forgive you for that. But you need to understand if you want to continue what we have, you need to STOP calling it lesbianism. As a matter of fact, YOU need to STOP being a lesbian completely."

and she says "I can't stop being what I am" and I shake my head and reply "That is just what you have been brainwashed to believe. NO ONE is born a lesbian, it is a CHOICE and just like you can choose to stop doing drugs, you can STOP being a lesbian. But like any deviant addiction, you have to WANT to stop."

She bows her head and just looks so sad. So I know its time for caring, nurturing Steffi. I walked up to her and put my arms around her and hug her tight. I lift her face in my hands and kiss the tears on her cheeks. I look her in the eyes and I tell her it is ok, that I will help her overcome her lesbian tendencies, and that I will never give up on her or stop being her BFF. She smiles a small smile and says "Ok Steff, for you. I will try." So I hold her even tighter and I run my fingers through her hair. I tell her she can come in if she wants but she says she has to go home because she told her parents she was going out for milk. So i tell her someday i want us to live together so she never has to go home because home would be with ME. and she says "You mean it?" and I reply "yes."

So now she is happier and I apologize for having to smack her but she needs to understand their are repercussions to deviant thoughts and words. She shakes her head yes and apologizes for her words and I tell her its ok. I hold her tighter and tell her i hate when she leaves and she admits that at night she falls asleep holding her pillow imagining it is me. That is so adorable!!! I ask her if she wants to see my pussy before she leaves and she says "can i?' and I say "yes" so she runs her hands under my miniskirt and goes to pull my thong down, but I taker her hands and guide them to my ass. She gets this look of surprise on her face but I just smile at her. She starts caressing my ass, running her hands all up and down it. She runs her hands between my ass cheeks and I whisper "lower" and she moves her fingers lower until her fingers at right at my hole. I whisper "go ahead" and she slowly massages my hole with her finger. It feels really good and i moan softly. She spreads my ass cheeks with her hands and I can feel my hole gape as she exposes it. she runs her fingers to the edge of it and pulls it open as far as she can as I moan softly. She runs her hands to the front of my thong and pulls it down, exposing my pussy which is now dripping wet. she lifts my miniskirt up so she can see it and i take her hand and guide it to just outside my pussy, so she can feel how wet I am.she massages me there, right on the edge of my pussy as I breathe heavy in her ear. Finally she stops and smiles at me and we embrace again. she whispers "I have to go, parents will get suspicious."

So she gets in her car and leaves and here I am writing this. I had to set her straight and I WILL break her of her lesbian immorality. Once I do, she will be without any immoral desires.

Thanks for reading!

Bronies and furries in MY SCHOOL!?!? I THINK NOT!!!!!

OMFG the cancer that is brony/furry fandom has infected my high school.

So I had to to stay after school to work on a science project and after I finished I had like 20 minutes before Bekah finished and we could leave so I was walking though the halls to go visit the old janitor, who is a good friend of mine...when what do my hella cute eyes see but a roomful of BRONIES AND FURRIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I nearly threw up. One of the rooms was full of bronies in their MLP t-shirts and people in costume as animals (Furries)...WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK! So I act all cool and I walk into the room and say "hey everyone, cool outfits, whats going on?"

Well they were super excited I guess that a normal person was talking to them. One of the bronies, a really thin pasty skinned girl with horned rim glasses smiled at me and said "We formed a brony/furry fandom club for school. This is our first meeting! Are you planning on joining?"

And I was all "Uh, no I was just curious because of the outfits, which are cool btw. Hey, good luck on your club! I think its great that you guys have a safe space to go to!" and they all said thanks and I left.

ok.....ok...breathe Steffi do NOT go all into rage mode.

SO I decide I have to stop this bullshit like NOW so I go to the Principals office and let myself in.
The Principal sees me and rolls his eyes and says "Hello Miss (REDACTED) what is it this time?"
And I inform him of this immoral gathering of furry and brony deviants. And he says "Steffanie, I approved this club. All they do is talk about that show and make outfits to wear they are harmless." And I say to him "OH NO NO NO!, that is totally incorrect!"

So I whip out my phone and pull up all of the information I can about the degeneracy of bronies and furries. I show the Principal and ask him how he can allow such deviant perversions in our school?

SO he just sighs and says "I will look into it ok? but I am sure these particular folks are harmless. Not everyone in that fandom is a 'deviant' as you put it."

So I remind him who my dad is and how much money he has donated to this school and ask how else they could have gotten computers for the lab or all that scientific equipment in the biology lab. I tell him it would look bad if it got out our school supported bronies and furries.

So I finished up and go wait for Bekah. She walks outside and sees me and smiles and says "hey bff". And I am all "Hey bff" and we get into her car and start the drive to my house. I am wearing a mini skirt so I pull it up a little and open my legs to tease her and she laughs and is all "Steff you just can;t help it can you? You really want me to find a place to park where we can be alone and jump on you and grind like we did yesterday?" And I smile and say "Sure." So she gets all quiet and says "You serious?" and I say "Yes, I want to do it again. I want to do it every chance we get. I loved bonding with you like that, it just strengthens our total and absolute friendship"

So we drive to this part of the woods behind an old building I know no one goes to. I reach over and undo Bekah's zipper and pull her shorts off. I pull her panties down and she reaches under my skirt and runs her fingers up and down my thighs. She reaches under my thong and pulls it off. She climbs over to the passenger seat and mounts me as I wrap my legs around her waist. I am already wet and I can feel her pussy against mine. She starts rubbing her pussy against mine and I match the movements of her hips, She gasps loudly and I can feel her suddenly get VERY wet and that makes me just grind harder and she grinds back and the car is shaking as we go at it. I run my hands down to her ass and grab her ass cheeks and pull them apart as far as I can. She moans loud "Oh fuck" and leans down and bites my neck. This makes me pull her ass cheeks apart even harder as she bites my neck. She pounds and grinds against me hard and fast and we are both sweating and moaning. Suddenly she says "fuck I am going to cum" and I tell her "cum for me" and she loses control and starts having an orgasm. She cries out and buries her head on my shoulder as she grinds furiously against me as she cums. finally she slows down and stops and I kiss her face and tell her she is my BFF.
We laid there for a bit settling down and she says to me "for someone who claims she isnt a lesbian, you fuck like one." Well i am NOT having any of that lezbo shit so i say angrily "Bekah I am NOT a fucking lesbian ok? Lesbians are sinful and immoral. What we are doing is bonding as friends. We are not making out, we are not eating each other or fingering or anything. And don't you ever call what we do 'fucking" again or I will smack the shit out of you and never talk to you again."

So she gets all quiet and hurt looking and says softly "Im sorry" And I say "You better be, now get off of me I need to go home."

So she gets off of me and i put my thong back and and she drives me home without saying a word. I get out of the car and I say "remember what I said ok? I am serious. I will smack the fuck out of you and never talk to you again. We BOND we do NOT fuck. Get it?" And she says "I get it" and I smile and hug her and say "Good! I will talk to you in a bit."

Well that is all for now, I have to shower.
Thanks for reading!

Monday, September 18, 2017

So this is Monday

Another Monday in the books for cute positive Steffi.

I am in bed just relaxing. School was ok today, I am all caught up on my projects and homework. So far I am doing very well, which makes ME and dad happy.

I was thinking about Bekah all today. I loved yesterday when we cuddled in my bed. It felt REALLY good to be naked with her and have her on top of me as we cuddled. I keep remembering how I laid there with my legs around her waist as we rubbed against each other. It felt so good to share that with her, I have to admit I got really wet from it and it just made it feel so much better. I remember how she had her head buried in my shoulder as I moved my hips up and down and she met each thrust of my hips with her own, and how sometimes she would arch her back and look me in the eyes  as she grinded against me. A few times she sat up and bent her head back as we grinded against each other and I held her hips in my hands and pulled her back and forth against me. She would look down and watch our pussies rub against each other and I also would look at them. She moaned very softly and the look in her face was like she was in her own world.

I really loved how she would run her hands all over my stomach as we grinded. Sometimes she would grind really fast and hard and I would match her and sometimes she would do it soft and slow. Then she would lay back down on top of me and touch her forehead to mine and our noses would touch and she would pump up and down really fast and I would push back and I could feel how wet and slick we both were as our wetness mingled together. I actually ran my hands over her ass a few times and it felt really hard and solid. I would grab her ass cheeks and spread them apart and that seemed to make her grind against me harder.

When we finished we were both sweaty and tired and I lay against her on my side with my leg draped over her waist. She kept planting little kisses all over the top of my head, which I thought was adorable. I looked down and I could see how wet our pussies were and it was kinda sexy to see it and know her wetness was mixed with mine inside of me. I guess we really bonded by doing this, which is great...she is my BFF and I wanted to make her happy.

Anyway, I want to do it again with her. I think this is a good way to make her happy since she knows I am not a lesbian and she cant kiss or eat me or anything. This is an acceptable substitute I can give her. I look at it as a bonding thing, a way for us to share something intimate as friends and not as lezbo lovers (which would be sinful).

Anyway, time for bed!
Thanks for reading!

Sunday stuff

So another Sunday comes to an end. It was an eventful day in the hella cute life of Steffi.

So I woke up this morning and called Bekah. I wanted to see how her "date" went and if she had lezbo sex. So she answers the phone all quiet and says "hey Steff". And I am all "So? do you dyke out?" and she says "I didn't go I cancelled the date."


So I am all "You cancelled? if you were going to cancel why didn't you just stay here with me!??!" And she said "I cancelled it as I was halfway to her house. I called and said my car was acting up and I had to reschedule. Then I just drove around a bit and went home."


So i say "Well why did u cancel? I thought you wanted to get lezbo fucked." And she said "After seeing you I just wasn't in the mood, I needed to be alone." And I said "OMG whatever, come over" and she said "I don't know" and I wasn't having ANY of that so I tell her to get her ass over my house like NOW.

So she comes over and dad is all "hey Bekah" and dad says that if we are going to hang out at the house we need to be fully clothed or stay upstairs because friends are coming over for football. SO Bekah comes up to my room and sits on my bed and I look at her and say "Ok, what the fuck is going on?" And she says "After seeing you it just put me in a mood, I can't explain. I just needed to be alone for a while, that is all."

OMG such a drama queen.

So I decided to be all kind and nurturing and I sit behind her and start rubbing her shoulders and am all "It's ok bekah, you are my BFF and even if you are a sinful lezbo I will still always be your BFF, I promise." So she says "that feels good" and I rub her shoulders harder and start massaging her neck. I leaned back on my bed and pull her down with me so she is laying in my arms as I massage her shoulders. I pull her hair back and lightly kiss the nape of her neck and she moans softly. So I massage her shoulders for like an hour, telling her she is my BFF forever as she just melts in my arms. After a while I hug her tight and and softly kiss the top of her head. I think she fell asleep but she is awake and she says to me "I really do love being your BFF, I was scared when we started talking that you'd tell everyone who I really am." and I said to her "I'll never tell, it is a secret until you want it out."

So she turns over and now she is lying on top of me and she says to me softly "Can we be naked?" and I say "sure". So I lift off my tank top and go to pull off my thong and she says "can I?' so I shake my head yes and she slowly puts her fingers under the fabric of my panties and pulls them off of me. She leans back and I spread my legs for her, giving her a full view. she sighed and said "you have no idea" and I replied "I do know, believe me i do". So she lifts off her shirt and takes her bra off. she pulls off her jeans and her panties. I reach up and grab her by the shoulders and pull her onto me. I wrap my legs around her waist and say "You will always be my bff" she she sighs and kisses the top of my head.

I snuggle up to her and wrap my legs tight around her waist.I can feel her pussy against mine and I slowly start to move my hips back and forth and up and down, just ever so lightly. I can feel how wet she is and I know its dripping inside of me. So I make little circle motions with my hips and Bekah moves her hips in response. I ran my hands all up and down her back at the same time. She buried her head in my shoulder as we continue to rub against each other for nearly an hour. Finally our movements get slower and slower and we snuggle together and fall asleep till about 3 pm.

We got up and she smiled and said "I would rather sleep next to you as a friend like that forever than let another girl touch me." so I hug her tight and say "yeah, me too."

so we get dressed and go downstairs and make lunch as dad and his friends watch football (I actually put sweatpants on believe it or not). We finished the day watching Tv and playing Call of Duty.

So back to school tomorrow...BOO!!!!!

Thanks for reading!

Sunday, September 17, 2017


Its around 1am Saturday night and I can't sleep so I will write a blog entry.

So Bekah was over today. After the football game (which we won, YAY!) Bekah drove me home. dad went with his friends to some fishing show, I have no idea, so it was me and Bekah in my house. We went up to my room (I was still in my cheer outfit) and I was all happy because we won. I plopped down on my bed and asked Bekah if she liked my cheers and she said yes. So i asked her what she wanted to do and she said she couldn't stay late because she had a DATE TONIGHT.

What the actual fuck......

So I am all "Who the hell are you having a date with?" and she says "This girl I know from a few towns over, we met online and I haven't seen her in a while so I am going to go see her and we are going out." So I am all "Is she a lesbian too?!?!" and Bekah says "yes." I ask her if she is going to have lezbo sex with her and she says "I hope so."


So I am mad so I am all "Fine, whatever". I mean, whatever she is a lezbo and I am not but she is still MY BFF which means I COME FIRST....omfg...she needs to learn this. SO Bekah is all "Are you ok? are you mad?" and I am all "No, do whatever you want, go be lezbo if you must."

So Bekah sits next to me and says "Steff, you keep telling me you AREN'T a lesbian, but you are acting all mad and jealous that I have a date. What the hell is wrong?" so I turn over on my back and I say "You are my BFF, I should come first." So she says "You are also my BFF and you DO come first but I also need to date and be with other girls like me sometimes."

So I say "But I wanted to spend tonight with you!" and she says " I know but I also have a life too, and I have to live it, you need to understand." I wanted her to stay with me so i slowly start to open my legs and I am all "stay with me" and she says "Steff, stop it. That is not going to work this time. You always tease me and show me yourself but you wont give me yourself, that is why I am going out with someone tonight." So I say "I dont give you myself because I am NOT a lesbian!"

So Bekah lays down on her back next to me and stares up at the ceiling and says "I know you aren't, but I AM and I need to be with my own kind sometimes."

So I get a bright idea. I flip over and sit on her waist, straddling her. And I say "Ok but first I want to shower with you." and she is all "No Steff, no teasing." And I put my hands under her shirt to lift it up and she is FIGHTING ME and is all "Stop Steff". So I keep trying to lift her shirt up and she keeps stopping me and I am all "I want to see you" and she is all "Steff, no, its too much for me."

So I try to unbutton her shorts and unzip them and she tries stopping me and I am all "I want to see your pussy" and she is all "NO, cmon Steff" so I keep trying to unbutton and unzip her and she keeps trying to stop me. So I pin her arms down and I lean right up into her face and I say "I want to see your pussy before you let that lesbian eat it" and she says "Steff, no" So I say "I KNOW you will be thinking of me while she eats you, admit it." And she gets this look on her face and quietly says "Yes." So I say "So let me see your pussy then." And I try pulling her pants off and she keeps trying to stop me, but not as much as before.

SO I say to her "I know when she is eating your pussy and licking inside you, you will be imagining its me. But it never will be, all you'll ever be able to do is dream about it." And she softly says "I know." So again i say "Let me see your pussy" and this time she doesnt fight me. I unbuttoned her jeans shorts and unzipped them and pulled them off of her. I can see her panties are soaking wet, so I say "I know this is turning you on, you are all wet." and she softly says "Yes." so I run my fingers across her stomach and inside her panties and I can feel her wetness on my fingers and I pull her panties off. I lift her shirt up and undo her bra and now she is naked underneath me.

So i say to her "From now on whenever I want to see you naked do NOT fight me on it ok?" and she says "Yes" softly.  I look down and I can see her pussy is soaking wet. So I get off of her and take her hands and pull her up off the bed. I wrap my arms around her and she holds me tight and I whisper to her "Youll never have me and this is punishment for your sinful wicked lesbian desires. do you understand?" and she says "yes." and so I take her hands and lead her into the bathroom. I get undressed and we shower together.

Afterwards we dry off and she gets dressed and says she has to go for her date. I tell her to have a nice time and she drives off.

So now I am in bed wondering if that lesbian is eating her out. I guess I will find out tomorrow!

Thanks for reading!

Saturday, September 16, 2017


Well it is Saturday morning and in a few hours I will be cheering on our football team as it goes for win #3. The whole cheer squad has been practicing this new routine and I am hopeful we can pull it off cause it is rather complicated.

Bekah and I saw that new movie "Mother" last night. GROSS!! I mean, it was scary but it was more gruesome than scary, which kind of took the whole scariness aspect of it away.

Movies can be scary without blood and gore and graphic sexual things, but Hollywood is run by (((them))) and this is all those parasites care about.

That is all for now. I will write more tonight!

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

night thoughts

I'm tired and in bed and cannot sleep so I will write some thoughts.

People think I have it easy because I am hella cute and positive and have a lot of money and a huge house. But it hasn't all been so easy. A lot of people do not like me because I speak my mind and give my opinion blunt and to the point. A lot of people in my school resent me because dad and I have money and a lot of people in my school do not so they are jealous. They also think I am some sort of traitor because dad hired a vocal coach so i would lose my Appalachia accent. They think I turned my back on where I came from. Well DUH no shit I turned my back on it because it SUCKED!!!! You think I liked living in a trailer in poverty!?! NO! That accent was a constant reminder where I came from and dad did NOT want me to be forever re-judged because of how I talked. he went through a lot of shit because if his own accent in the business world and he did NOT want me to suffer the same.

Bessie (my basset hound) is very lazy. All she does is sleep. But it is ok because she is awesome in her own way. She is also very snuggly and has huge floppy ears which are SO cute.

Bekah is my BFF. I am so happy she is in my life. I LOVE teasing her, it gets her so frustrated it is adorable. But I also love the feeling of power I get from doing it. I love teasing her with little glimpses of myself and comments. then, when we are alone, I can torture her even more. But is also true I love sleeping cuddled up with her. I feel warm and safe and protected and loved. Even though she wants me, she knows she cannot cross that line, and she never even tries. That is why I will sleep in her arms, because I trust her not to try anything. I think it is the purest form of friendship you can have.

I made her tell me all the sexual things she wanted to do to me, I told her to go into detail of everything. She took an hour to paint a picture of what she would do to me. the whole time she was telling me i booped her on the nose of teased her hair. it was adorable.

ok now i am sleepy so i am going to bed.
Thanks for reading!

omg HI!

Hello! I have been busy so I haven't written a new post in about a week. But I am all caught up now YAY!!! So I will recap what i have been doing:

1. Cheer Squad and Fencing practice
2. Stupid English paper I had to write
3. dad had to get a root canal and I was tending to him
4. keeping tabs on my cousin in Florida due to hurricane Irma (she is ok)
5. being all cute and positive!

It has been a very busy week. poor dad had to get a root canal..omg I was SO sad and i was scared he would die or I took care of him like a good daughter should....even though he was all "Steff it doesn't even hurt I am fine the procedure took an hour why are you trying to cook for me you'll burn the house down!" I KNOW he appreciated my efforts!!!

so the anniversary of 9/11 was here. We all know who really did 9/11: THE JEWS!!! Israel destroyed the twin towers to get us involved in a never ending war in the middle east to serve their own interests. EVERYONE with a brain knows this! I tried telling my calculus teacher (he is one of (((them))) ) and he was all "OMG THAT IS TOTAL BS" and I showed him PROOF off the Internet and he got all red faced and couldn't refute ANY of my evidence. TYPICAL!!!

So Bekah stayed over Saturday was SO good to have her here, i love when she stays over because I get to tease her and get her all flustered and then sleep cuddled up to her.

so i wanted to take a shower before bed and so I got undressed and I was all "cmon bekah shower with me" and she was all "no, it drives me crazy you tease too much I'll wait here". But i wasnt having any of that!

So i pulled her up off my bed and i said "lets go" and she was all "no". So i lifted her shirt off of her and undid did her bra and she was all "steff no" but i could tell she didnt mean it cause she didnt try and stop me. So i unzipped her shorts and pulled them off of her and she was all "what are you doing" and i reached my fingers inside her panties and pulled them down and i took her hands and pulled her with me and she was all "no its too much" and i got her into the shower and closed the door and she was all "i am so wet steffi stop" hahahahaha! too bad, you need to suffer bekah!

so after we showered i snuggled up to her and she was saying "you are such a bitch tease steff" and i said "yeah but you like it" and she said "yeah i do" and we fell asleep

so that was my week!
Thanks for reading!

Friday, September 8, 2017


So it is Friday and that means a damn Calculus test at school. Boo!!!

Friday is also 'wear your uniform day" so I get to go to school in my cheer squad uniform. I look hella cute in it. I would show a pic but I know certain brony pedophiles would just save it to whack off to later so I won't. Plus I don't want certain fat brony retards knowing where I go to school cause for all I know they will drive here to try and abduct me or something.

Dad and I are going to see It tonight. Everything I have been reading online says it is very scary! OMG! I will probaby have to sit in dad's seat at the theater so I can hide easier when the scary stuff comes on the screen.

They are having some sort of food drive for the hurricane victims at my school. WTF, why should I send them anything I'm not dumb enough to live in a hurricane zone. dad said it is the nice thing to do so I bought a few cans of creamed corn and will donate that. I guess they like creamed corn, I have no idea but it was like 4 cans for 2 dollars at the grocery store.

That is all for now, time for school. I can't wait to see Bekah even though we Skyped for like 2 hours last night

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Night thoughts

I feel bad for all those poor people in the path of that hurricane. I mean, yeah its your own fault for living in a hurricane zone, but I still feel bad because you are all gonna get wiped out.

I have been kicking ass in WOWS with the Graf Zeppelin. It is a shame people like Little White Mouse (or as I call her, Big Fat Pig) hate the ship so much they slag on it even though they don't play it. When she is re-vamped and re-released she will destroy every ship in her path!

Chobittsu got a verbal beatdown on the forums because he brought his brony pedophile perversions into a thread about CV play and got called out over it. His BIG COMEBACK was to post a picture of some sort of fag looking unicorn eating a pickle or some stupid shit.

I am NOT looking forward to cheering this weekend while I am on my period. UGH. All the other girls are all "just use a tampon"....UH NO WAY....tampons are gross, I don't want anything shoved up my vag WTF!

Dad and I are going to see IT Friday night...OMFG I know I will be scared as fuck! dad said he saw the original when he was young...WTF I didn't know this was a remake! Hollywood sucks, we all know (((who runs))) it.

I guess that is it for now. I am tired and I want to chat with Bekah before I go to bed.

Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

I got a brony arrested!!!!

I managed to save a child from abuse AND get a brony couple arrested!

I will explain:

First off, as well ALL know, bronies are pedophiles and perverts. It is a FACT that they ALL molest children. No one disputes this.

So I was at the mall with dad and I am waiting in the food court with him and I see these two fat bronies with their kids. The man was about 30 something and FAT with a pony tail and greasy skin and a damn "I Luv MLP" shirt on with some sort of faggy looking pony on it. The wife was equally fat and had blue and red hair and a shirt that said "Proud pony mama". BARF!!!

So I noticed they had 2 kids (I don't know how fat women give birth, I mean how does the baby get through all that fat?). And these two kids looked kinda zoned out like they were retards or something.

Anyway, it is disgusting that these parents were infecting their children with their brony-cancer. so I did what any self respecting human would do: I CALLED THE COPS!!!

So I call the police and I say:

Hi! I am in (REDACTED) Mall and I am at the food court and there are these two overweight people, a man and a woman, in My Little Pony shirts, and they are abusing their kids..and I saw the father rub his hands under the tables in front of PO WOK's (the Chinese take out place) all over his daughters crotch. And, I was in the ladies room and the mother came in with one of the kids and was taking pictures of her child defecating in the stall.

Now, with the recent incident regarding the fat pedophile taking upskirt pics still fresh on their minds, the local police ain't taking any chances. 5 minutes later around 6 cops come into the food court looking pissed off. They see the brony family eating lunch and approach them.

Well Papa brony immediately gets up and starts waving his arms around over his head all angry. I can hear him yelling something about 'probable cause' and other legal bullshit. The mother is all 'why aren't you all out shooting black people for no reason you fascist scum?!'

The one cop demands to see the mother's phone and she ain't having none of that. The husband then yells 'you stay away from my Fluttershy' and shoves the cop.

Well the tasers come out and it's ON!!!! They taze this fat fuck and beat his ass down and it is glorious. The kids are crying, the mother jumps on one of the cops and SHE gets tazed for her stupidity!! Meanwhile I am recording the whole thing to post on my You Tube later. I bet I get like 5 million hits! I'm going to make mad bank!

So the moral of the story is: Bronies are always guilty of something, usually pedophilia, so just call the cops on em regardless.

Thanks for reading!

Sunday, September 3, 2017

A busy weekend!

It has been a busy few days. Friday night Bekah and I went to dinner and a movie. I wanted to go to Outback but Bekah said since she was driving we would go where she chose, so we went to some vegan restaurant. BARF! I wanted steak...what the hell! Booo!!!

So then we went to the movies. I looked HELLA CUTE in my short miniskirt and matching top. Bekah was all "Uh Steff that skirt doesn't leave much to the imagination".  Well no kidding, I like short skirts. Duh!

So we got to the movies and it was one of those theaters that has reclining seats! Those are SO COMFY!!! So we take our seats and I lean back and the lights gown down and Bekah whispers to me "Steff I can see your panties your skirt is so short that you reclining makes them show".

So I just grin and open my legs a bit to give her a better look and she gets all flustered. Hahaha I love teasing her.

So we watched the movie and it was good. We saw that Anabelle movie. I was very scared and I spent most of the film hiding my eyes in Bekah's shoulders.

So we drive back to my house and Bekah is all "You really drive me up the wall when you show yourself off to me, the teasing is very frustrating." And so I say "You don't complain when we are showering at school" and she says "That's different because it is gym class but when we are together as friends you constantly tease me and to be honest it just frustrates me because of how I feel"

I guess I can see her POV.

So I told her if that's what she wanted I wouldn't do it anymore. she said she loved when I did it, but it was too much for her to handle because she knows she can't touch me.

So I had an idea. I say to her "Why don't you just touch yourself when i show you? It won't bother me at all."

Well she nearly drove us off the road when I said that! OMG. She was all "Steffi omg you are insane!" We started laughing. It was funny.

So we got back to my house and I leaned over and gave her a long tight hug. I whispered in her ear "I wish you could stay with me tonight I love snuggling up to you." and she said "Would you show me everything?" and I said "every inch" She sighed and kissed the top of my head and I got out and went inside.

The next day we FINALLY won a football game! OMFG it is about damn time! We cheered like crazy and even Mandy did an OK job as mascot....I have to admit she actually seems to have found something she is good at. Plus when she takes the mascot outfit off she is dripping in sweat so maybe this will make her lose weight and she won't be such a fat cow anymore.

Saturday night I stayed in with dad and we watched college football together. I had my underwear on and my WVU tank top and he says "WVU doesn't play till tomorrow night!"

My bad!!

So we had a great father/daughter bonding night. I love my dad to pieces!!!

Sunday I spent finishing my homework. I hate homework.

AND I got my period!!! ARRRGGHH!!!!!! No thongs for me for a week! Booooo!!!

Thanks for reading!