Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Diversity? More like BRAINWASHING!

So today we had that stupid school wide diversity assembly. Supposedly the whole point of this waste of time was to explain how great diversity really is and other such total bullshit.

First off, I couldn't sit with Bekah because I am a junior and she is a senior, so that put me in a mood. I didn't want to come to school today but dad said I had to. OMG whatever.

So we file into the auditorium and the presentation begins. So person...I couldn't tell if it was a guy or a girl, comes out and introduces itself and starts to talk about how different people are and how many great things there are about diversity and sharing other cultures and stuff. This person brought out a woman who apparently is a Muslim and she was wearing some sort of headscarf and she started talking about her culture and Islam and crap. She asked if anyone had any questions so i raised my hand and she was all happy to call on me. So I stood up and I asked:

"If Islam is so great and enlightened, how come women are not allowed out in public without a male family member to escort them? And why can't women drive in most Islamic nations or have the right to vote or get an education? And why, if Islam is SO great are you forced to wear that ridiculous scarf?"

so the whole auditorium got real quiet and I can see a few of the teachers all freaking out and a few of them smiling and trying not to laugh. So this woman stutters and says "It is a different culture" and I cut her off and say "It sounds oppressive as hell to me, and doesn't your Koran prescribe mandatory death for homosexuality, adultery, alcohol consumption and so forth?"

My teacher comes running over and tells me to sit down. The woman is trying to avoid the question so I yell out "If you cannot defend your religion or culture from a few questions from a teenager than it really doesn't sound all that great to me!" A bunch of students start applauding and I am all happy.

Then I hear her.


She is standing up and yelling "I want to know WHY Islam mandates death for homosexuals. I want to know WHY we should celebrate and accept this diversity when all it seems like it is doing is bringing death and oppression!"

The students all start cheering and another one stands up and says "Yeah, some people in this country may not like homosexuals or think they are disgusting, but even they would never KILL one! As a matter of fact, I think most people who think homosexuals are sinful would defend one from being killed by your Islamic death cult!"

The whole auditorium erupts in cheers and applauding. Some of the teachers are yelling at us to shut up while most are keeping quiet and smiling in approval. The Principal has his head in his hands and the people giving the presentation look like they want to die. The Muslim woman looks angry beyond belief and screams out "INFIDELS THIS IS WHY WE WILL WIN!!" and slams her microphone down. The whole student assembly starts chanting "USA USA USA"

It was glorious.

Of course, there is a price to be paid. Dad gets called into school. So does Bekah's parents and the parents of the boy also stood up and yelled. All 3 of our parents are in with the Principal while we are kept in 3 separate rooms. Finally dad comes into my room and sits down.

"Steffanie, you won't be getting into any trouble. They know better than to do anything to you because of me, but I wasn't able to save Bekah or that other boy."

So I am all "What did they do to Bekah?" Dad says she is suspended for 2 days and the boy for 2 days as well. he tried to get them both off the hook but they flat out told him they know they can't touch me so they will punish them.

As we are leaving the boy (his name is Tim) and his parents walk by. He looks and me and smiles and says "Totally worth it Steff!" and I laugh and give him a thumbs up.

So Bekah and her parents walk up to us and I don't even care anymore. I rush forward and throw myself into her arms and hold her. I whisper "That was awesome!" She smiles and says "Yeah, it was pretty cool." Bekah's parents don't say a word to me and practically drag her away. She shoots me a glance of sadness and I am all confused.

As we are leaving I asked dad if he thought something was wrong with Bekah. We get into the car and he sighs and says "Steff, I don't know how to tell you this. But while we were in there they pulled Bekah and Tim in to find out WHY they did what they did. Tim said it was because his brother is in Afghanistan and he hates Muslims. Bekah said she did it because she is a lesbian."

Uh oh.

He continues "Look Steff, I know you two are spending a lot of time together, and I know you got really close with her really fast. I don't care what you do, I trust your judgement. Just remember, there will be a lot of people who will look at you and her with hatred and anger. I won't always be able to protect you, so you both need to learn to protect each other."

I don't know what to say so I just keep quiet as he drives.

After a while he says "I like Bekah, you and her are like peas in a pod. You both compliment each other's personalities and styles. What one lacks, the other makes up for. I think you both have a long happy time ahead with each other. But we need to get ready for something."

And I am all "What do we have to get ready for?"
And dad says "Her parents did not take it well. They are livid. Beyond angry. And they are probably going to throw her out of the house. And when they do, we will take her in."
And I am all "We are?" and he says "Yes, we are."

I start crying and I lean into dad and hug him as he is driving. And I just cry all the way home.

So dad is now arranging one of the upstairs bedrooms. I am hoping they do not throw her out. Now everyone at school will know what she is or was or whatever.

And they will probably suspect something about us.

I don't know if I am ready for this. I am only 16. But I will try.

she is worth it.

Thanks for reading!

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