Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Little White Mouse?!?! More like Big Fat Whore!!!!

So on WOWS there is this elitist supertester/community contributor who calls herself 'Little White Mouse'. she forum spams constantly, if you look at the amount of posts she makes a day you wonder how this bitch has a real life job!

She is always reviewing ships, which means WOWS gives her free crap all the time. She is also protected by forum admins like the corrupt liberal SJW Niko Power (a Jew). Basically anyone who cares question her reviews is forum banned. She also has a cultish loyal following of people who will defend her at all costs and basically worship at her fat cankles. People refer to it as 'The Cult of the Mouse'.

She thinks she is hot shit because of her 'celebrity status' on the forums, but since WOWS own surveys prove that only 10% of the entire playerbase even reads the forums, she is in reality, a big fat nobody. She is also morbidly obese, which explains why she can post all the time since she cannot work outside her home. She is probably leeching off Canada's welfare system (like her pedo friend Chobittsu), which is ok with me since I live in the USA so my dad's tax money isn't supporting her fat lard ass.

She always likes to gloat about her free ships she gets from WOWS, which pisses people off to no end. She also has a reputation in game of being a crybaby who screams when she gets sunk, accusing others of hax and threatening to get them banned. There have been screencaps posted on 4chan showing her verbally abusing her own team mates for not protecting her and threatening to have Niko Power ban them. People think there is something weird going on between her and Niko because there should be no way she isn't banned for her behavior unless Niko is protecting her.

Anyway, her real name is April Roberts. That is public info if you know where to look BTW.

Thanks for reading!

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